Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

The next morning Gilbert had trouble getting Matthew out of bed. He wouldn't even start to move without a cup of coffee.

"Come on Birdie!" Prussia said pulling the Canadian up into a sitting position only to have him fall back down. "I got jou coffee!"

"Nooo." Matthew whined. The albino pulled him up again, but this time he gave him a kiss. Canada knew Gilbert's plan, he'd tried it many times before. Matthew grabbed Prussia and wrapped him in a bear hug. "Mine." He said nuzzling into Gilbert's neck and pulling him back down into bed.

"Jours, but ve really need to get up." Gilbert said giving him a kiss on the cheek and tried to wiggle out of Matthew's arms. The Canadian held him tighter, but Prussia was able to sit up and pull the blond with him. He kissed Canada's forehead and looked at the pouting nation.

"I will never understand morning people." Matthew grumbled rubbing his eyes slowly getting up to get ready.

"I'm surprised that after like fifty jears jou're still not adjusted to vaking up early." The albino said handing Matthew his glasses and his coffee once he was done changing. Canada didn't really need glasses for everyday life, but needed them for reading. Gilbert ran a hand through his hair. "Ve have fifteen minutes to get there."

-❄"It's nothing personal. I don't like anybody."❄ -

Matthew and Gilbert made it to the board room with a couple of minutes to spare. Canada didn't have enough time earlier to finish his coffee so he brought it with him.

The couple walked in to see the room filled with a group of teenagers. Most of them were sitting in the chairs and a few were almost falling asleep on the table. Erwin and Levi were yet to arrive.

"Ah man you got coffee! Where did you get that?" A teen with light brown hair and a darker undercut asked.

"From the kitchen?" Gilbert said raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe if you looked harder you'd find it." Levi said stepping into the room Erwin right behind him.

"Good morning everyone, please take a seat." Erwin said taking his seat at the head of the table. He introduced Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, Sasha and Krista to the nations. "These are Matthew and Gilbert. I'll let you explain more about yourselves."

"Hmm... Vhere do ve start?" Prussia said thoughtfully looking over at Matthew.

"I guess the best place to start is that we're not human." The Canadian said watching the trainees' faces change into surprise.

"So if you're not human, than what are you? Are you Titan shifters too?" Asked the one he remembered as Armin.

"No, that vould be pretty cool though." The albino said.

"We are nations, well ex-nations technically." Canada explained.

"What are nations?" Jean asked raising an eyebrow.

Erwin cleared his throat. "You'll have a chance to learn more about them in the coming days. Right now we need to plan this trip." He said gaining everyone's attention.

"Trip? To where?" Eren asked confused.

"Oh, right. I knew I forgot something." Levi muttered.

"What did you forget to tell us, sir?" Sasha asked.

"We have noticed that you all have been fairly down lately. I have decided that it is time you learn more about this worlds past. To do this, Matthew and Gilbert will take you to the ocean." Erwin announced. Eren and Armin's faces lit up with excitement while Mikasa cracked a small smile. The rest of the recruits looked confused.

"You're not joking, are you sir?" Eren asked practically bouncing in his seat.

"Wait, what's an ocean?" Connie asked voicing everyone's confusion.

"An ocean is a large body of water with salt in it." Armin said.

"How long will it take to reach the ocean?" Mikasa asked.

"It will take about two days to get there and two and a half to get back." Matthew said. "The route is probably over grown by now. It might take a little longer."

"Good. You'll stay there for two days then to make six and have an extra day for weather or emergency." Erwin said jotting notes down. "What route do you plan on taking?"

"The safest one is exit out the northern most gates, less titans in the cold." Canada said. "The only problem is that the district up there hasn't been in contact with us since wall Maria fell. There are people still up there, but I don't know if the wall is damaged or if they will be able to let us in."

"It would be a good opportunity to open the lines of communication if you can get inside." Erwin nodded. He handed the nations a piece of blank paper and a pencil. "Can you draw out the route you'll take and how far you can travel each day?"

Matthew started to sketch a map of North America and marked out their path. Once he was finished he slid it over to Erwin. "How far we can travel each day will depend on the weather. It's the season where the weather could go either way."

The group continued to discuss more in detail the equipment and rations they would need for the trip. They decided that they would leave tomorrow morning.

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