Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

AN: Still no spoilers. The scouts, Prussia and Canada do know who the armoured titan is, but for the people that don't, I will not be using names.

After a few minutes of talking they decided on watches and went to bed. The scouts where too tired to stay up longer. Armin and Jean volunteered to take the first watch and Connie and Krista would take the second.

The scouts settled down and started to fall asleep. Matthew and Gilbert were cuddled close in their sleeping bag. The blond had his head tucked under Prussia's chin and his arms lightly wrapped around his neck. Gilbert put his hands on Canada's back and pulled him closer until their bodies were pressed together. They held each other tightly for the night.

-❄"Holo from the other side."❄-

The next morning Prussia woke up early as usual, but stayed in bed, holding Canada close. They had shifted quite a bit through the night. The albino was now on his back with Matthew using him as a pillow. He watched the blond sleep; his face was completely relaxed with hair falling over his eyes. Gilbert smiled, Matthew looked adorable.

After a while of lying there watching Canada and listening to the surrounding forest, Prussia decided to get up. He tried to slide out from under Matthew, but the sleeping nation wrapped his arms around Gilbert's waist and wouldn't let him up. The blond whined and held on tight still asleep.

The Canadian was bigger than him so Prussia was at a slight disadvantage. He sighed with a smile and brushed some hair out of Matthews face lovingly. Canada's eyebrows furrowed and he rolled over off of Gilbert. The blond was a very heavy sleeper when he wanted to be.

Prussia pulled himself out of the sleeping bag and put his scout jacket on. The morning air was still cold, but the little bit of sun that shone through the trees warmed his skin. He waved up to the tree where Connie and Krista were still on watch. They noticed him and started to climb down the tree. They said good morning before going to their sleeping bags to get a little bit more rest.

The fire was still smouldering from the night before. The albino found some extra logs and slowly brought the fire back to life. He started to prep breakfast as the younger scouts started to stir. Mikasa was the first one to sit up, then Eren and Jean. Matthew rolled over and pulled the blankets over his head.

The blond got out of bed a few minutes later skipping putting his jacket on and walking over sitting next to Gilbert. He looked like he was still half asleep. Canada yawned and rested his head on Prussia's shoulder.

"Morning Birdie." The albino said. All he received as an answer was a grunt. The morning was fairly slow and breakfast was boring. There was a little bit of talk among the scouts until Connie cleared his throat.

"So, are you going to tell us what happened to the armoured titan?" Connie asked.

"Eren transformed and the armoured titan charged him. They fought, but neither won. Both of them were exhausted and the armoured titan fled." Mikasa quickly explained.

"And the armoured titan didn't go after you two?" Jean asked gesturing to Canada and Mikasa.

Both nodded, but Canada spoke. "It swung at us once. It also watched me for a while, it didn't attack though. As we went to leave, there were a few other people on the building. They didn't make a move to attack so we didn't either."

"That's weird." Armin said. "We've never seen the armoured titan display that behaviour before."

Canada nodded in agreement. "It gave Eren enough time to heal and get back up."

Once they had finished breakfast and packed up camp, the scouts traveled slowly through the forest. They watched carefully for titans and avoided them. The horses ears flicked around picking up all of the sounds of the forest. After a few hours the forest opened up into prairies.

The fields full of yellow-green went on for as far as the eye could see. The grass was blowing in the gentle wind. There were a few snowflakes flying and by the late afternoon the ground was covered in a thin layer of snow.

Prussia jumped off his horse and made a ball of snow before throwing it at Matthew. The blond expected it and leaned to the left. It flew past him and hit Jean in the chest.

"Awww, come on Birdie! Let me get one hit on jou!" Gilbert whined and the Canadian laughed. Matthew jumped down off his horse and quickly made a snowball. He threw it at the albino who tried to dodge it, but failed terribly. "No fair."

"You sound like a kid." Matthew laughed as Gilbert pouted and threw another snowball. Jean had gotten off his horse and made a huge snowball. He threw it at Prussia which knocked him on his ass. The scouts laughed and Canada walked over offering the older nation a hand up. He took it and Matthew pulled him to his feet.

The albino gave Jean the 'oh it's on face' and picked up snow. Jean started to run as Prussia chased him. Eren hopped off his horse and started to make a snowball. He threw it at Armin who was off his horse and making one as well. After a few minutes all the scouts were off their horses running around, throwing snow at each other. It had started into a full blown snow ball fight with everyone for themselves.

Jean chased Prussia and stuffed snow down the back of his shirt with an evil smile. Gilbert yelped and ran over to where Matthew was making a snow ball. He hid behind the taller nation as Jean followed him. Canada threw the snowball at the younger scout and knocked the snowball he was carrying out of his hand. Jean looked down at his hand in shock. He knew that the Canadian had good aim, but didn't expect that.

The younger scout turned and went the other way. He didn't want to go up against Canada in a snowball fight. Prussia thanked him before running off to cause more trouble. Matthew just smiled watching everyone running around and acting like kids. He looked up to the sky where there were still thick snow clouds. It was still only snowing lightly, but he could tell that the weather was going to get worse.

"Come on! Let's get moving!" Canada called gaining the scouts attention. He earned a few snowballs thrown in his direction, but everybody got back on their horses and they started traveling through the snowy prairie.

In the distance, shadows of a small cluster of trees came into view. Canada sighed knowing that they would be back inside the confinement of the walls very soon.

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