Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

The closer the scouts got to the trees the harder it snowed. By the time they had made it into the safety of the trees it was almost impossible to see. Canada dismounted and brushed the snow off of Spitfire's back and out of her mane and tail. He also shook the snow off himself. The trees sheltered them from the snow and the winds that had started to pick up.

"That's a blizzard." Prussia said shaking the snow out of his hair. He grabbed their supplies off the back of his horse.

"You're not kidding." Jean laughed also brushing the snow off of himself. The snow was up to just above their ankles. They started to unpack and set up camp for the night. Matthew and Sasha cooked while everyone else finished setting up camp. They finished cooking as the other scouts finished setting up.

"You guys going to finish the rest of history?" Armin asked excitedly.

"Vhere did ve leave off?" Prussia said thinking back. "Just before vorl var von, vern't ve?"

"Think so." Canada said running a hand through his hair. A few of the scouts nodded in confirmation. Gilbert started to explain how the First World War had begun. He explained the axis side of the war while Matthew explained the allied side.

"Canadians vere terrifying during the vars. They just didn't back down." The albino said shaking his head with a smile. "Ve vould stalk them and send our best soldiers to fight against them."

Once they finished telling how World War I ended they started into the roaring twenties. Canada explained how much drinking and partying there was during the twenties. He also told of how bad him and his brother had gotten. Both had become alcoholics in the years after the war. Matthew and Alfred kicked the habit fairly quickly, but Canada and America were another story.

The twin nation's people had continued to party, drink and buy stuff until they were in debt. When the stock market crashed in late October of 1929 both of the brothers had become very sick. Canada had become very ill and weak. He was stuck in his house for years. He could barely muster enough energy to get out of bed every day.

The Canadian explained to the scouts some of his day-to-day life during the depression. He'd crawl out of bed to his couch or desk and stay there until nightfall. If he had enough energy and food in the house he'd cook something before heading back to bed. That would only happen maybe once a month. Nations didn't really need to eat.

After a few years Matthew had finally started to get his energy back and was able to move around more. He was happy that he was able to go outside again. Things started to get better over the next couple of years; things had started to go back to normal.

"Where were you when he was sick?" Krista asked worriedly.

"My brother and I vere still dealing vith the aftermath of the var." Gilbert said looking down. He knew what Matthew went through and wished he could have been there for him. "Ve veren't dating yet."

"The Great Depression happened almost eighty years before we started dating." The younger nation said. Prussia started to explain the beginning of World War Two. He explained how Hitler came into power and how the allies attempt at appeasement failed. Prussia and Canada explained the two sides of the war. They hurried through most of the battles and focused mostly on the holocaust. The younger scouts were shocked at what they were told.

"We'll finish up tomorrow night." Canada said yawning and stretching. His shoulder cracked and he winced. "I'll take watch first tonight."

"I'll come vith jou Birdie." Prussia said standing up and offering Matthew a hand. The Canadian took it and Gilbert pulled him up.

"I'll watch next." Mikasa said also standing up.

"Me too." Sasha said as all the other scouts stood. Matthew and Gilbert nodded and started to climb the tree. They found a good branch and settled for the night. It was still snowing, but less so. The leaves above their head protected them from the snow but not the wind. The nations leaned against each other.

"It's vindy out tonight." The albino said hiding his face in the crook of Canada's neck.

"Hopefully it doesn't stay this way into tomorrow." Matthew said looking over the snowy planes. "I'd rather not travel in a white out."

Prussia nodded in agreement. "Ready to go back?" He asked quietly.

"Not really. Now that I'm back home, I don't want to leave." The Canadian said with a sigh. "But we need to get them back in one piece."

"Maybe on the next expedition ve could get 'lost.' That way ve avoid Erwin; the only problem vould be getting back in for supplies." Gilbert said thinking out loud.

The Canadian shrugged. "Every way will have its problems. We'll just have to work through them." He said quietly. "I'd like to find Alfred before we do anything. Maybe he knows if anyone else is still around."

"Ja." Gilbert said moving closer to the blond. He wrapped his arms around Matthews's waist and kissed his cheek. "It's cold."

"It's not too bad." The Canadian said taking his gloves off and cupping Prussia's face. The albino leaned into the warmth and sighed.

"How are jou so warm?" Gilbert hummed happily.

"I like the cold. I'd take this over heat any day." Canada said kissing Prussia on the forehead.

AN: I was going to have Kuma show up in this chapter, but he didn't seem to fit.

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