Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

AN: No spoilers in this avoided using names.

"To the left! Hurry!" Canada yelled recognizing the person as a threat. He knew that the street looped around. He kicked Spitfire into a gallop making sure the younger scouts were following him. "I'll keep the back. I can find them if someone gets lost." Matthew said and Gilbert nodded.

Canada slowed Spitfire down and moved to the back of the pack. There was a bright flash that blinded him for a moment. Then there was a loud crash behind them as the armoured titan ran through a building. The armoured titan watched them as they ran before it started chasing after them. It quickly gained on them until it was practically breathing down their necks. They weren't going to be able to out run it.

"No!" Mikasa yelled as Eren bit his hand. He transformed into his titan and stood ready to fight. Mikasa jumped off her horse and tethered to a nearby building. The other scouts skidded to a stop, but Mikasa yelled something that Canada didn't quite catch and the scouts started off again. Matthew jumped off Spitfire and latched onto the building next to Mikasa.

"Keep going. I can take care of Eren." Mikasa said.

Matthew shook his head. "I know you can, but you don't know you're way around out here."

Mikasa looked a little bit put off, but thought it through and nodded. Eren braced for the armoured titan as it charged at him. It slammed into him and sent the wild titan flying back. The armoured titan jumped on top of Eren and started punching him. Eren put his arms up to block his face and push back at the same time.

The Canadian pushed off the building and swung over to the other side of the street. He was looking for an opening to injure the armoured titan. Eren let out a loud roar and pushed the armoured titan off him. He had somehow managed to get his feet up to kick him off. Eren rolled onto his feet and grabbed the armoured titan and pinned him against the building Mikasa was on. It shook and crumbled around the titans as they fought. The younger scout jumped off the building as it broke apart and hooked into the neighbouring building.

The wild titan had the armoured titan's arms pinned above its head in the rubble and roared in its face. The armoured titan managed to get an arm free and grabbed a piece of the rubble. He smashed Eren over the head with it and pushed the smaller titan off. The armoured Titan stood over a stunned Eren and paused for a moment giving Mikasa and Matthew an opening.

Mikasa quickly went for the nape, but her blades broke on the armour around the nape and only left a small cut. The armoured titan was still standing over Eren and was ignoring the scouts. The Canadian saw an opportunity and acted upon it. He pushed off the building and hooked into the back of the armour titans' neck. He reeled in and slashed into the flesh of the nape. The flesh on the armoured titan's nape was thick and leathery.

Matthew's blades broke off and were stuck in the nape as he jumped away. He gritted his teeth and checked his gas. He had just over half a tank left. Canada looked over to the armoured titan, its nape was steaming as the small cuts they had made healed over, blades still stuck in the flesh. He wasn't liking their odds of winning this fight.

The armoured titan reached to its neck and pulled the blades out. It turned to Canada and looked at him curiously before throwing the blades at him. He swung out of the way as it still followed him with its eyes. Matthew kept the armoured titan's attention by moving and jumping between buildings as Eren quietly got back to his feet.

The smaller titan crept up behind the armoured titan and wrapped his arms around the armoured titan's neck and got him into a head-lock. The armoured titan was surprised for a second before he started to fight back by jabbing his elbow into Eren's ribs. Eren let out a roar and held tighter moving one of his arms higher and clawing at the armoured titan's eyes.

The armoured titan let out a strangled cry and finally broke free of Eren's hold. He covered his eyes with his hands and growled in Eren's direction. Mikasa was about to attack the armoured titan again, but Canada stopped her.

"Save your supplies." He said. "Our blades won't cut deep enough."

Mikasa nodded and started to climb up the side of the building. Matthew followed her up and crouched on the edge of the roof. He watched as both titan stood opposite of each other. The armoured titans eyes had regenerated, but Eren's side and head were still steaming. They stared each other down, both looked exhausted. The armoured turned and started to run away. Eren went to chase him, but Mikasa hooked into his shoulder and yelled at him to stop.

Eren's titan collapsed as the armoured titan went out of sight. Mikasa cut Eren out of the nape and Canada jumped down from where he was still perched on the building.

"Will he be okay?" The Canadian asked crouching down beside where Mikasa laid out Eren on the ground.

"He'll be fine with some rest." Mikasa said with a sigh. A twig snapped to their left and both their heads snapped up. They saw three shadowy figures passing by a broken window. One of them paused in the light long enough for them to get a look at their face. Matthew blinked in confusion; the man looked a lot like him.

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