Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

AN: Anyone watched Letterkenny?

The next morning Matthew was awake before Gilbert. The sun warmed his face and he yawned. There was no pain from his ribs; they must have fully healed overnight. The Canadian didn't want to move and wake Gilbert. The albino had his arms wrapped loosely around Canada's waist and his chin resting on the top of his head.

Matthew was happy to lay there all morning, half asleep, listening to the sounds around him. Seagulls were calling to each other off in the distance, waves lapped at the shore, but he focused the most on Prussia's breathing. It was calming to listen to the even breaths.

The Canadian wasn't sure how long he listened to Gilbert before he heard Eren and Connie's footsteps coming back to camp. Prussia's breath changed and he shifted. The albino's arms wrapped tighter around his waist and he pulled him closer.

"How long have jou been awake?" Prussia asked with a yawn.

"Not long." Canada lied stretching his legs out.

Gilbert threw his covers off himself and they landed on top of Matthew. The albino sat up and stretched while Matthew grumbled and turned over pulling the covers over his head. He had been awake for a while, but that didn't mean he wanted to get up.

"How are jour ribs?" Prussia asked leaning over and pulling the covers down far enough to see the blonds face.

"Healed." Canada grumbled pulling the blankets back over his head. Gilbert laughed and stood up. The nation moved the covers enough for him to see where Prussia was going.

The albino went over to the fire pit where a few embers were still smouldering. He grabbed a few small branches from the pile the younger scouts had gathered the night before and brought the fire back to life. A few of the other scouts had started to move as the smell of fire and food.

"It's a little bit chilly out." Connie commented.

"It vill varm up before noon." Gilbert said warming his hands by the fire. He watched the soup he was currently warming up closely.

Matthew sat up and yawned. He stretched before standing up and lazily walking over to the fire. The blond sat down in the sand next to Prussia.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Gilbert said as Matthew sat down next to him and rested his head on his shoulder.

"Smells really good." The Canadian said. All of the scouts were up now and waiting for breakfast. After a few minutes of quietly talking among each other Prussia served the soup.

"So, what are we doing today?" Jean asked in between mouthfuls.

"I would love to go swimming." Connie said.

"We could go spear fishing. I packed a couple of spearheads. We'd just need to make the pole." The younger nation said. "That won't take too long."

"Fish! We can eat them!" Sasha said excitedly. "What kind of fish are in the ocean?"

"Nothing jou've ever eaten." Prussia said finishing his breakfast and setting his dishes down.

"It's a bit of a dive." Matthew said. "The good fish stay close to the cliffs and pretty deep down."

"As long as we get some it doesn't matter." Sasha said. She was practically drooling thinking about the fish.

After about an hour Matthew had found enough branches that would work for the spears pole. He shaved down the ends with a small survival knife they had brought along and attached the head to it. There weren't enough spears for everyone they were four short.

"Ready?" Canada asked standing up. The scouts nodded and jumped up. "We'll walk down to the cliffs before we go in. Please don't drown, stab yourselves or each other. Stay semi close to each other, just in case. One or two people should stay at the surface at all times."

"I'll stay here and prep the fish as jou catch them." Gilbert said plopping down next to the cliff in the shade. Matthew nodded. He knew that water and sun weren't the Prussian's favourite things.

"I'll help you." Jean said looking at the water.

"Me too!" Sasha said handing her spear off to Eren. She wanted to be close to the food.

Matthew stepped into the water. It had a slight chill to it, but wasn't anything he couldn't handle. The other scouts followed him into the water. After a couple of meters the sand changed into rock.

"It drops off here." Canada said. They were about waist high in water. The rocks ended making the water about eight meters or deeper. "Be careful." He said stepping off the edge.

"Wow, its deep here." Krista said looking down as she treaded water.

"What fish should we go after?" Eren asked looking at the small schools of fish.

"It doesn't really matter." The Canadian said. "Catch what you're going to eat."

Eren nodded and dived down. Matthew watched the trainees carefully making sure that they weren't getting into any trouble. Mikasa was the first one to come up with a fish, Armin soon after. They swam back to shore and gave their fish to Prussia.

After a while Canada was satisfied that the other scouts could swim and dived down himself. The edges of the cliffs made a giant horseshoe shaped valley where there was sand with coral, plants and rocks were fish were swimming.

Matthew stayed close to the bottom and started to turn over rocks. He wasn't looking for fish, but oysters or clams. He found a few of all different species, but didn't have enough air left to stay. He pushed off the bottom and kicked to the surface before diving again. He collected an armful and surfaced again.

"What are those things?" Krista asked coming up with an empty spear.

"They're oysters and clams." The Canadian said swimming back up onto the ledge and standing up. "They just sit around the rocks at the bottom." He explained.

"Do you want to switch? I'll look for those things and you take my spear? I'm not very good at it." Krista asked.

The nation nodded as he took what he was carrying to shore. Krista was still waiting when he got back. She handed him her spear. She thanked him and dived back into the deep water. Canada looked for the other scouts to make sure they were okay before diving down again.

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