Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

AN: I've started an ask blog! As me or any of my Canadas a question and I will answer. I am tallpoppy-canada on Tumblr, or click the link on my profile! I will also be posting random Canada stuff not just asks.

The rest of their journey was uneventful. There were still no titans in sight as they entered the wall.

A garrison member was there to greet them. "Welcome back. Need anything?" He asked.

"Just a bottle of acetaminophen please." Matthew said seeing Jeans pained expression. He knew that the drug wasn't fast acting, but it was most likely the only thing they had and it would take the edge off. The garrison member nodded and walked off to find it. Minutes later, he was back with the medicine and a canteen full of water. "Thank you." He said.

The Canadian passed the pills and water over to Jean who immediately took them. Matthew looked around trying to see if Alfred was there, but he didn't spot him in the growing crowd. It was getting close to lunch so the scouts decided to start moving.

-❄"When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. I had love, but I did not feel it."❄-

AN: Sorry for skipping all the travel back to headquarters, but I'm lazy.

Matthew sighed as he dismounted Spitfire. They had just ridden into the entrance of the scouts stables. He tied Spitfire to the post and helped Jean down from his horse. Eren volunteered to help Jean to the medical wing.

Canada took care of Spitfire before caring for Jeans horse. He took both of them out to the paddocks when he had finished. Prussia was almost done with Eren's horse and lead both outside when he was done. The other scouts finished taking care of their horses around the same time. They were all sitting on the paddocks fence watching them play.

A scout walked up to them and cleared her throat. "The commander wishes to see all of you in an hour." She said. The scouts nodded and she turned to walk away.

"Unpack jour things and make sure that jou arrive on time." Prussia said hopping off the fence. The younger scouts nodded and went their separate ways. Matthew and Gilbert walked back to the stables and grabbed their bags before heading to their quarters.

-❄"What is a man, but the sum of his memories? We are the stories we live! The tales we tell ourselves!"❄-

Canada and Prussia walked into the meeting room five minutes early. The younger scouts showed up a few seconds later and took their seats. Erwin and Levi walked into the room almost ten minutes late. By then Sasha fell asleep on the table and Eren and Jean were playing Rock, Paper, and Scissors.

The commander and corporal took their seats and Erwin cleared his throat. Everyone turned to him. "Welcome back." He said. "I trust that your trip was good and Matthew and Gilbert took good care of you?"

Armin was the first to speak. "It was beautiful. There were so many new things to see it was hard to keep track of them."

"We only had two run in's with the titans. Only a few small injuries at the first, but Jean's leg happened at the second." Matthew said. He didn't bother mentioning his injuries because he didn't see them as major.

"Good and the north district still has people?" Erwin asked taking notes.

"Yes, the people there are surviving vell, but do need some supplies. They are expecting us to set up some kind of a supply route soon." Prussia said. "They're completely out of cannon shells and running low on medical supplies."

"We'll send some people out early next week. We'll send a carrier pigeon a head of time as well." The commander said. "You were able to get through the history?"

"For the most part yes. We took the first few days to explain technology and answer questions about them. Then we started into world history." The Canadian said sitting back in his chair.

"Great." Erwin said standing up signalling that the meeting was over. "I expect a full report from you two by the end of the month." Prussia groaned grabbing the paper Erwin handed him. He looked it over and handed to Canada knowing that he wouldn't lose it.

The younger scouts were listening to Levi as he explained what they would be doing over the next couple of days. It sounded like they would be stuck with a lot of chores. Matthew and Gilbert started back to their quarters. It was fairly late in the night now and the air was cool. The moon was high in the sky and the stars were shining.

-❄"The problem is not the problem; the problem is your attitude about the problem."❄-

Once they got back, Canada finished up the little bit of unpacking they had left while Prussia went to find some snacks. The albino brought back a bowl full of fruit a few minutes later. The nations sat down on their bed and ate some of the fruit.

The Canadian set the bowl on the bed side table and settled back in bed. Gilbert was lying on his back and Matthew used him as a pillow.

"Vhat are ve going to do tomorrow?" Prussia asked.

"Maybe take Glacies for a ride and find Alfred?" The blond suggested with a yawn. Prussia nodded sleepily and brushed some hair out of Canada's face. The couple talked for a little bit longer, but fell peacefully asleep soon after.

AN: Possible bonus chapter? Let me know if you guys want one!

Finished on March 18th 2017

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