Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

AN: I haven't read before the fall. So things might be a little off. Shouldn't be any spoilers for it.

Matthew resurfaced with another fish on the end of his spear. He started back towards the shore as Connie came up with a fish.

He caught up to the blonde. "How are you so good at this? How can you stay under so long? Is that a nation thing?" He asked as they walked up to the shore.

"I've had a bit of practice." Canada said remembering his younger days. "Had some training for breathing methods. Not really meant for water, but it works."

"Some? That's a little bit of an understatement Birdie." Prussia said taking his spear and pulling the fish off. Matthew smiled. "Jou've got a lot of random talents."

"Breathing methods?" Sasha asked overhearing their conversation. "Does that mean you can breathe under water?"

Canada quickly shook his head. "That would be cool, but no."

"Ve should only catch a few more fish." Gilbert said. "Ve don't want to have too much left over."

The Canadian nodded and told Connie to stay in. He went back out into the ocean to tell the other scouts to stay in once they caught had their last fish and make sure everyone was safe. Eren and Armin were just coming back as he was walking out. He told them to stay in as well. Only Krista and Mikasa were still in the water. Matthew sat in the water on the edge of the ledge waiting for the scouts to surface.

Mikasa was the first to come up with Krista soon after. The Canadian told them what was going on as they walked back.

"There is so much life in the ocean. It's beautiful." Armin said smiling and looking back at the sea. "Can we go swimming again? Just swimming?"

"Of course." Matthew said. "We won't need any more fish, but we can still go swimming."

"When are we leaving tomorrow?" Jean asked.

"Around two." Canada said. "We'll be heading up the coast then cutting back across to the wall."

"There von't be any time to go swimming tomorrow. Ve'll need to pack and get the horses." Gilbert said.

"I wish we could stay longer." Krista sighed.

"I wish we could live out here." Eren said. "There's plenty of food and we haven't seen any Titans since yesterday."

"It would be nice to live out here." Matthew said with a smile. "But it would be really tough in the winter."

-❄"Nathan Drake? More like Nathan Brake!"❄-

"This fish tastes amazing!" Sasha said savoring every bite. Matthew and Gilbert had just finished cooking and called the trainees over to eat. The younger scouts had swum for the rest of the day. "Can we bring some back?!" She asked excitedly.

"It would go bad before we got back." Armin said and Matthew nodded.

"What about the oysters or clams?" Sasha asked hopefully.

"If ve could keep them cold, but ve have no way too." Prussia said. Sasha sighed sadly looking over her meal before starting to eat again. "Ve can keep some for breakfast.

"Why can't we find these kinds of fish inside of the walls?" Mikasa asked.

"These fish only live in salt water. There a few fish that can live in both, but they stay in the rivers close to the coast." Matthew explained. "It's good to see quite a few of the species are still around. Close to the time the titans came some of them were near extinction because of over fishing."

"How many people were there back then?" Jean asked.

"About seven billion, it vas getting close to eight." Prussia said. The younger scouts looked surprised at such a high number.

"That's a lot of people." Armin said. "What happened to them all?"

"Some of them got into the walls, but others were left out. Some just seemed to disappear." The Canadian said with a frown. "Not everyone was on this continent. There were people across the ocean as well. We don't really know what happened to them. There could be another set of walls over there."

"Did you guys have kids?" Connie asked.

Prussia shook his head. "Ve veren't at home often enough."

"We used to have to attend world meeting every month that countries would take turns hosting. Sometimes we'd have to stay for a couple of days. It got to the point what there was one every two weeks." Canada explained. "We'd just get home and settle in and we'd have to fly out again."

"Where did you live?" Krista asked.

"Not too far away from here." Matthew said. "Up north and inland a bit."

"Did you have regular jobs?" Eren asked. By now everyone had finished their meal.

"I vorked for my brothers government." Prussia said. "Most nations vork and are paid by their government."

"I was the same. I worked for my government and occasionally my Air Force when they needed it." The blond said.

"When did you join the scouts?" Mikasa asked.

"Before 3dmg was invented." Matthew said running a hand through his hair. "It's been quite a while."

"Did you get to use the old models?" Armin asked.

"I vas the guinea pig for some of them." Gilbert said. "I vas not very good at first."

"You were terrible!" Matthew said with a laugh.

The blond remembered one of the first times Prussia used the gear. They were just outside a small village surrounded by a forest that was inside wall Maria. The inventor, Angel, quickly explained how to use it and Gilbert was off. The first few times he tried to get into the air he smacked face first into a tree. It took him a while to get used to how the gear worked and what he could and couldn't do with it. By nightfall of the first day the albino had been able to stay up for a couple seconds.

"You didn't have any training? They just let you go and figure it out on your own?" Krista asked worriedly. "Didn't you hurt yourself?"

Prussia scratched the back of his neck. "Nope, no training. I didn't get hurt at first. Just a few bruises, but I stared to get more adventuresses. That's vhen I started to break a lot of bones."

"How was your first time with the gear?" Eren asked Canada.

"When I first used it was a lot further along in development. I had enough time watching Gil to sort of figure out how it worked. Let's just say watching and actually doing it was very different." Matthew said with a nervous smile.

AN: Is it just me or is Wattpad kinda dead? I haven't had anything in my library update in like months! Kinda the same with fanfiction and ao3...

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