Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

AN: So I will probably skip over most of the traveling in this fic. It would just get repetitive. This chapter is long!

The next morning everyone was up and ready by ten. They were with their horses at the northern most gate. Anna and a few other garrison members were readying to open the gate and were scanning for titans.

A crowd had formed around the scouts as they mounted their horses. Anna came down from the wall.

"Ready?" They asked. The scouts nodded. "There are a pair of titans to the east, but they're far off. Oh and there are some storm clouds over there too."

"Good. We'll be heading to the west then to the south west. We won't be back for at least six days." Matthew said. "Thank you for your hospitality. We'll be sure to get some supply and communication lines set."

"No problem. We really need more cannon shells, were completely out." Anna said scratching the back of their neck. "Anyways, we'll see you soon. Give us the signal when you're ready." They said giving a wave as they used their 3dmg to get up the wall.

Matthew and Gilbert checked over their shoulders to make sure the other scouts were ready. They looked excited to be outside the walls again. Spitfire stomped and Canada petted her neck. Gilbert looked up and gave the signal. The gate started to slowly rise.

The cold wind swept under the gate blowing the Canadians hair into his eyes. He smiled as Spitfire edged forward. The gate opened high enough for them to get through and they urged their horses forward into a gallop.

It seemed to be a lot colder outside the walls. Almost all of the trainees quickly put on their new winter gear as they moved through the countryside. The wind picked up a little and a few snowflakes fell. They could see their breath in the air.

"It's getting cold." Krista commented quietly pulling her hat down over her ears and pulling up her hood.

"And it's snowing." Jean complained.

"We'll be heading southwest soon. It'll get warmer." Canada said. He was enjoying the cold. Being a northern country it took him years to get used to living in a warmer climate.

-❄"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine, it's lethal."❄-

As the sun started to go down the snow continued to fall lightly. The wind had picked up more throughout the day and now it was blowing the snow that stuck on the ground around.

A group of shadows came into view. At first Canada thought they were titans, but as they got closer he could see that it was a small cluster of evergreen trees.

"Ve'll stay there for the night." Gilbert said. Matthew nodded. The scouts galloped towards the trees. As soon as they broke through the tree line the wind seemed to almost disappear.

Inside the tree line there was a small clearing covered in snow. The evergreens had provided shelter from the wind and snow.

The Canadian pulled Spitfire to a stop and dismounted. He dropped her reins and let her roam around, she wouldn't go far. The others did the same and took their gear out of there saddle bags. The scouts started to set up camp and got a fire going for the night. Matthew started to cook supper with Sasha while everyone else set up there sleeping bags. They didn't bother to pack tents because they would have just added extra weight.

The scouts sat in a circle around the fire eating quietly before Armin spoke up. "Do you remember the day the Titans came?"

"I don't remember much of it. I was out for a lot of it." Matthew said looking over to Gilbert. "A lot of my people died that day. When they're hurting or distressed I can feel it."

"I remember it, it vas one hell of a day. Ve vere at home, I vas vatching TV and Birdie vas reading. All of a sudden he got really tense." Prussia paused trying to remember more. He got a few confused looks when he said 'TV.' "I remember switching the TV to the news channel and seeing there's giants being shown, then the valls. After that it's all a blur."

"Do you have any ideas where they came from?" Eren asked. "Also what's a TV?"

"Not really, a lot of theories were the American or Russian governments had experiments that had gone wrong." Canada said with a shrug. "America and Russia are other countries."

"So, TV?" Jean questioned.

"A TV is umm..." Matthew tried to think of something to relate it to that they would understand. "It's a box with moving pictures or drawings inside."

"You have a TV?" Connie asked.

"Not anymore." Prussia said.

"Moving drawings? So it's like a flip book, but it moves it's self then?" Mikasa said raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, that's pretty much it." Canada said with a smile. "It wouldn't be just drawings, but it also had normal people on it too."

"It can play real people too, that's amazing! How does it work?" Armin asked. Prussia quickly explained how a TV worked and briefly went over electricity.

"Almost all of that kind of tech vas lost it melted down years ago." Gilbert said.

"I still have my iPod and solar charger, it surprisingly still works. I don't have it on me though." Canada said also explaining what those were. "There are so many things to explain. What do you want to hear about?"

"What did the world look like? I mean, like a map of it all. Is that even possible?" Jean asked.

"It looked like this." Canada said drawing a rough outline in the snow. "It's made up of seven continents and over two hundred countries. We are hereish." He said pointing to the middle of what used to be Alberta. "We're going to the Pacific Ocean, close to the boarder of what used to be America."

"What is the other big chunk of land?" Krista asked pointing at the map.

"That's Europe, Asia and Africa. Those are other continents. Ve are in North America." Prussia said.

"So you're this one," Eren pointed at the map. "Where are you?" He asked Gilbert.

"I was right about here." The albino said pointing.

"You guys were far apart." Krista said looking concerned.

"It didn't take as long to travel back then. Ve had cars, trains and planes. It vould only take about a day to get there." Prussia shrugged.

AN: There might be a few scraps of an idea I took out left in this chapter. They should be all gone, but I could have missed something.

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