Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

The scouts had finished packing and started to call for their horses. Matthew whistled and Spitfire came charging from the forest. She skidded to a stop in front of him sending sand flying everywhere. She whinnied and reared up before trotting the rest of the way to Canada.

"Hey girlie." He smiled petting her neck. He slipped the bridle over her head and lead her over to where he her saddle. The Canadian looked back over to where the other scouts were still calling their horses. Krista and Jean's horses had just come out of the forest and Connie was already leading his over.

Matthew picked up the saddle and put it on Spitfire's back. She watched him as he did up the buckles and made sure they were tight. Once he was sure everything was ready to go the blond started to pack up the rest of his things. After a few minutes the other scouts were doing the same.

"I don't want to leave!" Sasha complained as she packed her stuff.

"Same, but we don't have enough supplies to stay another day." Eren said with a sigh as he picked up his saddle bags and put them on to his horse.

"We could come back?" Krista suggested as she finished packing.

"That would be awesome! We could pack enough supplies to stay longer." Armin said excitedly. "I would bring a journal next time."

"Ve vill have to see what Erwin says." Gilbert said sitting in the sun warmed sand. He had already finished packing and was looking at the ocean.

"Does it really matter what Erwin says?" Jean asked confidently. "Why would you, 'immortal' nations, even bother with Erwin or the scouts?"

Canada was surprised for a second. He knew that Jean was pretty forward, but not that much. "We wanted to help humanity. The scouts seemed to be the best way to help out. I didn't want to just be sitting around and doing nothing like a lot of other nations. I've always been that way." He explained. "We need Erwin's permission and the scouts gear and supplies to go outside the walls. Without him we'd be stuck, we can't just climb the wall and jump down without anything."

"Ve do butt heads vith him often, but ve have no other vay to get outside the walls unfortunately." Prussia sighed picking up his saddle bags and putting them on his horse. "Ve could bribe someone to open the gate, but we'd probably be unable to get back in"

"You guys and Erwin don't get along? What about Captain Levi?" Eren asked surprised.

"We don't really see eye to eye with Erwin on a lot of things. We don't see Levi too often, he's not really a people person, but he's okay." Matthew shrugged. He really didn't want to go into too much detail. "Enough talking about this. You said you wanted to swim before we leave," He looked at the sun to tell the time. "You've got about an hour."

The younger scouts jumped up and put their stuff away and ran to the ocean. Prussia came back over and sat next to Canada. The blond leaned into his side and rested his head on the albino's shoulder.

"I hope that Erwin will let us go." Canada said with a sigh.

"If he doesn't ve could bait until he's gone?" Prussia suggested. "Or ve could bring it in front of a counsel, maybe even the king."

"One way or another we'll get it eventually." The blond hummed. "It's just a matter of time."

"Hope so." Gilbert said resting his head on top of Matthew's

"Oh! I forgot to tell you, I think I saw Alfred." The Canadian said excitedly. "Just as we were leaving the walls."

"Haven't seen Al in a long time. Vonder vhat he's been up to?" The albino muttered. "Haven't seen anybody in a long time."

"I think I'll go and see if I can find him when we get back." Matthew said.

"Can I come vith jou?" Prussia asked looking over.

"Is that even a question?" The blond said with a smile. He took Gilbert's hand and intertwined their fingers. "Of course."

Over the next hour it started to get colder. The wind picked up a little and it rustled through the trees. Canada looked around, but he didn't see any clouds. He knew that there was a storm coming. The blond and stood up called the scouts back in.

"It's getting cold." Eren commented and he put his jacket back on.

"It's going to rain or snow." Matthew said. "We need to get moving."

It took the scouts a few minutes to finish the last little bit of packing they had left. Everyone checked over they're horses to make sure everything was snug and the horses were healthy and ready to go.

They mounted up and started to move up north. The huge rock wall beside the ocean shielded them from the wind as they went around it, but when they passed it the wind hit them full force. It was cold and misty with sea water. Matthew pulled his hood up and wished he brought a scarf.

In front of them the sand stretched out for miles, to their left was more huge redwood trees. Among the trees were bushes, shrubs and a few huge moss covered rocks.

"Cut into the trees." Matthew called over his shoulder steering Spitfire into the forest. It was much calmer, the wind was more of a breeze and barely any mist came through. The mist built up on the trees and would drip down every so often. It wasn't nearly as bad as being out in the open.

The scouts traveled through the trees for a couple hours. They could hear titans among the trees, but avoided them as best as they could. There were a few close calls, but they were able to out run them.

"What's that stuff?" Armin asked pulling his horse to a stop and pointing at the ground.

AN: Sorry for the lateish post. I'm going to be working on Sundays for the most part and the chapters could be a day late/early or a few hours late.

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