|Chapter Seven|

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Jason Butler

I finally got to the Hospital. I know Michelle hates hospitals. It unsettles her. I moved to the reception and asked the nurses on duty about my wife. I described her and as usual I knew what she wore when she left home so it was easier for me, A nurse came to my aid and directed me to Ward 17. I went over immediately. I strode towards her and she rose up to meet me. I pulled her closer and kissed her full on the lips as I murmured,

"I am sorry I got here late, the taxi man took the longer route I guess."

She nodded wordlessly and I stood straight and diverted my attention to the girl on the bed as she stepped aside to give me a full view of her. I sat on the chair opposite her and her eyes widened with panic then Michelle sat beside her on the bed and said,

"Dearie, just relax, okay? This is my husband, I come with a package dear, he is not going to harm you okay?" The girl nodded. She seem to trust my wife a lot, I thought then I said,

"Hello, my name is Jason Butler, I am a pastor and this is my wife ( I pointed to Michelle). Her name is Michelle Butler. We are Pastors in the ministry God gave us, Harvesters Christian Center. We are based in Albany, New York but we came here for a Pastors' Conference. What's your name?"

She did not answer so I continued,
"Dear, you've got to tell us who you are, you need to open up to us so we can help you, okay?"

She said in a firm voice, "My name is Ruby Collins." Michelle leaned forward and whispered to me that she has been abused.

"Okay, as I said earlier, you need to open up so we can help you. Who are you? Where are your parents? How do we contact them?" I asked as gently as I could and she looked at Michelle who nodded for her to answer my questions.

"My parents are dead. I stay with my Aunt and her family. For the past one year, they...they..."

"Just relax dear, I know it is painful but you have to talk, come on, you can do it."

"I was raped, day and night. It was like they had shifts and Nick was more ruthless than his father. He would beat me mercilessly if I don't cooperate with him and tie me up. My Aunt was not aware because she is seldom at home. She is always away almost every day of the week. They told me not to tell anyone about what they were doing to me, otherwise, I would meet my death. Please, don't take me back there."

"How old are you?"

"17. Seventeen years old." She replied as I and Michelle's eyes met and I whistled, she was the same age as our last child and for a brief moment I imagined Chloe, in her shoes, I shuddered as Michelle stroked her hands and continued telling her, 'It's okay'.

How could people be so cruel? Your in-laws' daughter! And the woman who is supposed to make her family her first priority that turned herself to an ignoramus because of her frequent travellings.

Just then, it occurred to me that I was judging but then I could not help it. The girl is so young and she has experienced all these bullshit, it hit me so much with the additional factor that my Chloe is her age mate.

As I was trying to find my voice, the Doctor came in,

"Oh! I can see my patient is awake."

"Yes Doc, she woke up some minutes ago. This is my husband, Pastor Jason Butler and honey, this is Doctor Stevens Macclesfield. He attended to the poor girl when I brought her in." Michelle introduced,

"Oh-oh! Nice meeting you sir." I said, shaking his hands and he replied,

"The pleasure is mine sir. So, my dear girl, how are you feeling?"

"I feel real weak sir." She said and I and Michelle stood up from our different seats to allow the Doctor examine her. After doing all the medical mumbo jumbo, he said,

"She will have to stay the night here, but she should be released by noon tomorrow. You can come see her by then."

"Okay, thank you Doctor."

"Oh Dear! She has not taken dinner yet. Should we go get her food or what?" Michelle asked,

The Doctor answered, "You do not need to bother, one of the nurses will get her food from our cafeteria and then she will be sedated so she can rest properly."

Michelle appreciated, "Okay. Thanks a lot."

"All right. I will leave you to say your goodbyes now, I will send a nurse to ask for her food request now." Doctor Stevens said and he left.

My wife and I turned towards the girl, Ruby, and she said,

"Dearie, we will return tomorrow to see you, is that okay by you?"

Ruby said, "Yes ma'am. Thank you."

"Come on. It's nothing. Come here, let me give you a hug." Michelle said sweetly as she went closer to Ruby who sat up and they clung to each other like they had known each other since forever.
Then she said, "Honey, please pray for her." I stepped closer and held her right hand while Michelle held her left hand and I prayed for her with all my heart.

We turned to leave some minutes later just as the nurse required to take her food request came in.

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