He's a ghost hunter 10

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Here's the sequel from book 1

"Michael, listen, I'm sorry I exploded..." I looked away so that I could form logical words. I thought apologizing would be a good idea because I was going to ask for his help "but I'm having trouble..." as soon as he heard trouble, his face changed - every trace of anger disappeared and he became worried as if it was his own life that I was talking about.
"Tell me what happened?" he quickly walked over to me and placed his hand on my arm. I shivered "Are you okay, YN?"
"Not really..." how could he change so suddenly? Now he was the most caring man in the world, handling me so gently and sweetly.
"You can tell me anything, you know I'll help you, no matter what!" yet his words amazed me even more.
"It's about YFN..." he sighed, rolling his eyes.
"Do you know that she broke Daniel's heart?" I nodded.
"I'm really sorry about!"
"He's very hurt because he loved her very much..." his voice cracked when he spoke of love and I thought I sensed ounce of sadness in his eyes and voice, as if he knew that kind of suffering very well.. "He's really depressed!"
"That's terrible but it's none of YFN's fault."
"It's all of her fault! Did you not know what happened?? They were talking on the phone and it got quite serious, he even... I promised him not to tell, but he bought her an engagement ring."
"Yeah and one night when they were on the phone... he actually called her to tell her he wanted to see her to give her the ring, but then she broke up with him in a cruel way and this finished him..." i felt tears in my eyes. 
"I'm so sorry, but... Daniel didn't talk to her on the phone."
"What are you saying?"
"Because YFN hasn't been YFN lately..." the hot tear fell down my check.
"Are you okay?"
"Michael... she's possessed."

"The tea is ready, Mr. Jackson." Daryl walked in.

Michael's facial expression froze and he lost control of his body. Good thing the sofa was right behind him so that he plumped on it when he couldn't stay on his feet anymore.

Daryl walked over to the small coffee table and silently placed the cups of tea on the shiny glass. He gave us one weird look and excused himself, then left. I looked at Michael, who was still standing motionless. And I thought he was gonna help me...

"Michael.." I sat next to him on the sofa and put my hand on his shoulder to shake him gently "please do something! Say that you can help me! Michael!" he then looked at me.
"Possessed you say?" he whispered.
"But how...?"
"The ghost... we didn't really destroy it. By breaking the mirror, we only set it free."
"Oh God... this has never happened to me before! I didn't even know it was possible..."
"I don't know what exactly happened that day, but the ghost possessed YFN's body and is killing people and doing all kinds of crazy things! She even tried to kill me.." suddenly he wrapped his arms around me tightly and buried his head in the crotch of my neck.
"You're okay, aren't you? Are you hurt?"
"No..." I became extremely nervous in his arms and although I liked him I wanted him to let go of me, but he won't.
"Why didn't you come earlier to me, YN? I told you to come to me, right?" I felt his heart beating fast against my chest and his warm body was shivering. He was so.. vulnerable and sweet... that it made me give in and I started melting in his arms.
"I didn't know she was possessed, but I came immediately when I found out.." I deeply inhaled the sweet aroma his body produced, mixed with his expensive cologne, but I much preferred the natural odor of his body.. "I'm scared, Michael.. I really am!"
"Don't worry.." then his right hand begun stroking my hair "You're not alone, I'll help you. I'll be with you."
"How are you gonna help me? How are you gonna help YFN an free her body??!" he slowly unwrapped his arms from me and looked me in the eyes.
"I'll call Daniel and tell him everything that you told me." I nodded my head "He'll come here and then the three of us will go to your place and come up with a plan or something. I need to see YFN or the ghost first. We must know how strong it is before we start dealing with it!"
"Michael, is YFN gonna be okay? I don't want her to get hurt..."
"As long as she's possessed, the ghost can't kill her, because only a living body can be possessed. But whatever happens with her body, I mean things like injuries, she's gonna be in pain when she becomes her own self again." I sighed.
"Why did it have to happen to us??"
"I don't know, YN..." he stroked my left arm up to my shoulder. "But we won't let things this way. Let me call Daniel!"

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