He's a ghost hunter 11

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"Oh dear!" it all happened so fast and we heard a voice, then the stilettoes stopped. I looked and saw an older woman, looking down at us, holding a purse and her hands were rested against the cheeks in pure surprise. Michael looked too and said


"What in the world is going on here?" the woman, or Michael's mother as it seemed, looked more than surprised. In a bad way.
"It's not what it looks like, mother!" Michael got off of me quickly and helped me up.
"Is this why you wanted to live alone, Michael?? I can't believe it!" Michael rolled his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes on me, boy! Now inside!"
"Mother!" he signaled her with his eyes not to talk like that when I'm here, thinking I won't notice that, but I did.
"Shut up! The two of you inside the house now!" wow!
"Where did this woman come from..." Michael whispered to himself as we were walking inside.
"I heard you, young boy!" but she quickly scolded him.

"Who is this girl and what were you two doing?!" she begun once we got in the living room "Is this how I raised you Michael?? To sleep with girls and do it in the garden in public?!"
"No, no there was no such thing you got it all wrong!" I said.
"Did I, young lady?? And what were you doing alone in a man's home? Didn't your mother thought you things about being alone with men in their houses!"
"Mother, you are embarrassing me!" Michael burst angrily.
"Am I??" she sarcastically said "I'll show you what real embarrassment is!" she run to him and grabbed his ear with her skillful hands and pulled his ear reaaaaal good."
"Ouch mother what in the world..!! Let go!! I'm not 16 years old!! My ear!!" I giggled, because it was funny to see someone like Michael getting their ears pulled by their mommas.
"Making out with women in public! Don't you have a room at least! Don't you respect women! I couldn't believe you brought a girl here to get into her pants and-"
"We're engaged!" he blurted.
"Whaaaaat?" his mother said.

Ghost hunter say what?

"Michael what are y-" I begun, but he cut me off.
"There's no need to hide it anymore, YN.." he winked at me as a sign to go along "This is not some girl, mother, this is my fiancée! And we were not making out, we tripped and collapsed. End of story." he sighed.

Where was he going with this??! His mother looked at me differently now that she knew I was her future daughter-in-law.

"Why didn't you two tell me that you want to get married! Oh Lord..." she walked over to me "My name is Katherine Jackson, it's nice to meet you, dear!" she extended her hand for a handshake.
"Nice to meet you too, YN... my name.." I was lost for words. I couldn't believe what was going on.
"Michael why would hide it from your mother and family? You got engaged and I know nothing about it! Tell me, YN" she turned to me "do your parents know?"
"Ah.. my parents are dead."
"Oh I'm so sorry, dear... I don't know anything about you thanks to my son." she gave him a dead glare. "When did you two meet? When did you come here? I need to know everything!"
"Mother, what are you doing here?" Michael changed the topic.
"I got a call from Daryl saying that you had locked yourself in your room, refusing to eat or drink and crying all the time over some girl!" mine and Michael's eyes met for a second and I noticed how nervous he became. He quickly looked away.
"What?" he replied "I don't remember such things..."

Was this about... me? Could I be this girl? Or maybe it was someone else...

"And Daryl's gonna lie to me?" she raised her eyebrow. "I don't think so... So I get a call and I'm told that you're refusing to eat and drink locked in your room, then I come here and witness you and your fiancée making out in the garden on the floor! What in the world is going on!" she was right, this really sounded crazy.
"For the second time, mother, we weren't making out. We collapsed! And don't listen to this betrayer Daryl, he lied!"
"Daryl was only trying to help YOUR stubborn ass!"

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