He's a ghost hunter 12

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I update finally. I know... This one is short, but next one will be long! I've also started writing updates for the other imagines as well. Yay!

It was a long flight.

Daniel and Michael kept talking about ghosts and jobs they did prior to this and as for me, I remained silent in my chair, secretly thinking about me and Michael.

What would it have been like if we were really engaged? If he hadn't lied to his mother, but told the truth?

I kept looking at him from time to time and even caught him a few times staring back at me, and licking his lips. He was so handsome and I couldn't deny it anymore. He had me intoxicated and I needed to be around him. I kept wondering if he liked me and if that suffering they mentioned at his house was for me?

But it was too good to be true... a rich and handsome man like Michael would probably want a rich and beautiful lady in his life, to make his wife.

Maybe I was beautiful, but not rich and relationships between rich and poor, worked out only in romantic movies.

I must have fallen asleep then since I didn't remember anything and saw Daniel in front of me suddenly, telling me we had arrived.

After we got off the plane, a car, I supposed organized by Michael, was waiting for us at the airport.

The three of us got in and Michael drove to my town. It took us a few more hours to get there and the sun had disappeared from the sky like 30 minutes ago.

We arrived at my house and Michael stopped the car so that we could get off.

I couldn't wait to see if everything with my house was okay! I didn't trust that crazy ghost at all and knew she was capable of causing all kinds of harm.

"Do you smell this?" Daniel said, sniffing the air, as we were approaching my front door.
"Yes I do..." Michael replied with a gloomy voice.
"Smell what?" I asked "I don't sense anything!"
"It smells like... dead souls." Daniel replied focusing on the last two words.
"What?" I couldn't help it but laugh silently.
"You've never dealt with the things we had to deal with, YN, so you can't smell it, but I'm telling you...." Michael said "there's something very wrong here and I don't like the air."
"Neither do I." Daniel said. "Let's go check your house now..."

We got in and to my utmost surprise, everything looked just fine. There were no signs of ghosts or destruction or supernatural activity.

I felt so relieved to see that, but I didn't know if I could say the same about YFN's house...

"Everything here looks good!" I said out loud to Daniel and Michael who were suspiciously looking around.
"Not so fast." Michael said and walked over to the bag he brought along, opened it and pulled out some weird looking devices. "I'll try to see if I can detect ghost presence in your house and if I can't, then you can say that everything's good, beautiful." he winked at me and I blushed, then quickly looked away.
"Can't we do that later?! I want to check on YFN first! I'm really worried about her..." I said.
"She's right, man. I wanna see YFN's face too."
"Alright, fine. Let's go pay her a visit first."

I locked the front door and we headed for YFN's house. I could tell from the sparkle in his eye that Daniel couldn't wait to see her! He must really love her... that was good, because I was sure he was going to do anything just to save my friend!

As we approached the house, the first thing we noticed was that all lights were on. Then, Michael and Daniel said that the air kept getting stranger with every step we took towards YFN's house. We even heard music which became louder the closer we got to the house.

"Is there like a party goin' on?" Michael asked, raising his eyebrows.
"So it seems." Daniel said.
"But YFN isn't the type of person to throw parties like that..." I said.
"Well, she's not YFN right now, forgot?" Daniel reminded me and I sighed thinking about her.
"I suggest we approach the house, hide behind the bushes and look inside through the window first. Let's see what the situation is so that we can prepare ourselves properly... I have a bad feeling about this." Michael said and we agreed.

We hid very silently behind the bushes under the window so that we could look.

There really was a wild party inside! Loud music, people dancing, drinking, talking... like in a club.That evil ghost knew how to throw parties...

"But some of the guests don't even like YFN!" I said as I saw them "Why would they come to the party?" I looked at Michael to see his mouth was wide open "Michael?!" what the hell was he doing??! "Michael this is not the right moment to make face-" Daniel interrupted me.
"They are not who they were, YN..." he whispered.
"Look at their shadows.." he pointed.

Then my eyes stopped at the shadows on the floor and walls.

I was terrified.

The shadows didn't correspond to the bodies! Just like YFN's shadow didn't correspond to her body, because it was the ghost's shadow!

"They're possessed." Daniel said.
"Oh my God!" I almost screamed. "What are we gonna do now??!!"
"The ghost must have summoned other ghosts and used those people for their bodies!" Daniel explained. "This is bad... we have more ghosts to deal with now. They are gonna follow the woman in YFN! She's gonna turn them against us.. I don't know how we're gonna save her and the other people too... what are we gonna do now... I didn't know she could do this!"
"I know what." Michael suddenly jumped in and we looked at him, impatiently waiting to hear what he had to suggest. "We go back in the car."
"We return to your house, YN."
"You take your most precious things, we get back in the car and leave this town forever!" he nodded his head at the end of the sentence and smiled as if he had made a very wise suggestion. I raised my eyebrow in anger.
"Seriously Michael?"

I liked the man, but his humor was too much for me!

Especially now.

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