#15- Unreal Clan Names

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Type Of Book- Warriors Fanfictions


Cat 1, Flamespark: My Clan, PhoenixClan, is the best Clan in the world! The cats there can turn into phoenixes, control fire, and become reborn! We live in a volcano, and heat/fire can't affect us!

Cat 2, Rainbowsparkles: Hah! You wish! My Clan, UnicornClan, is the best Clan the galaxy!! We can turn into unicorns, fart rainbows, and perform magic! Our camp is a castle in the clouds because we can FLY :D

Cat 3, Moontail: Lel, that's a joke. My Clan, WolfClan, is the coolest Clan. ;3 We are like werewolves-we shift into wolves at the full moon! We also have un-cat-mane strength and speed! We live in a dark valley. Another Clan with cats like us is MoonClan.

Cat 4, Goreclaw: Imbeciles! BloodClan is the most powerful Clan in the whole UNIVERSE! We have super speed, drink the blood of normal cats, and our camp in shielded from the sun because we can burn alive if we're exposed to it...

Cat 5, Lilacspots: My Clan, EchoClan, is okay. Most of us have webbed paws and sleeker fur that absorbs water better, for we eat a lot of fish, and we have many streams and rivers crossing our territory.

Cats 1,2,3 ,and 4: Eww! Your Clan is SOOOO unoriginal and BORING!

Lilacspots: -_- *mumbles under breath* Mary Sues...

Everything Wrong With This:

Well, well, well...where do I even begin...

Unrealistic Clan names are becoming widespread and popular lately, and hardcore Warriors fans are annoyed by this. Before I launch into my signature rant, let me explain what an "Unrealistic Clan Name" is.

An unrealistic Clan name is a Clan name that cats wouldn't know about(OceanClan(remember, cats call the ocean the sun-drown-place!)), something that the cats consider to be sacred(MoonClan), something mythical(PheonixClan), a Clan that already exists(BloodClan), or something that a Clan would consider an enemy and/or foe(WolfClan).

Sometimes these writers name their Clans unrealistically because it sounds cool. Others want the members of the Clan to have awesome powers that correlate to the name of the Clan. Either way(even though the first reason is a less mary-sueish approach), naming your Clan like this makes you look like a "Firepaw", or a new person to the series, and hardcore Warriors fans may not take you seriously. To avoid this, try to rename the Clan something SIMILAR to the name, and if applicable, take away the silly powers that come with being in the Clan.
For Example...

PheonixClan- FireClan, ScorchClan, BlazeClan, etc...

UnicornClan- OpalescentClan, CloudClan, etc...

WolfClan- I've got nothing for this one. Any suggestions?

MoonClan- EclipseClan, etc...

BloodClan- DarkClan, NightClan, etc...

EchoClan- This one is awesome! Good job ;3


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