Ferrari World - Sebastian Vettel & Kimi Raikkonen

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I jump out of the car, a big grin on my face. I stare at the big banner above the entrance.

Ferrari World

I turn to my two best friends, the one a bit more excited than the other. Sebastian chuckles at my excitement, nudging Kimi to look at my face. Kimi rolls his eyes but smiles anyway.

"Why aren't you excited?" I ask Kimi, hooking my arm through his, slightly making him walk faster. Sebastian joins my other side, happily skipping along with me.

"Because I've been here so many times before, it's stupid"

"But you've never been here with me! It'll be amazing now" Sebastian sniggers from next to me, while Kimi slightly glares at me.

"Is it bad that I've never been here before and this is my 3rd year working for Ferrari?" I ask, more to myself, as both of them don't really answer. We get into the park and walk away.

"We need to go on the ride!" I yell, wanting to pull both drivers towards it. Kimi groans loudly, making both Sebastian and I look at him, a bit shocked.

"I hate that thing" he mumbles, walking past us two. Sebastian just chuckles, pushing me a bit towards the entrance. We follow Kimi towards some things, looking at everything. People surround us to take pictures of Sebastian and Kimi. It's always such a big deal, when the Ferrari drivers go to Ferrari land.

Every year that I've worked for Ferrari before, I was too busy to go. Usually it's just the drivers as well, but this year, both Sebastian and Kimi made me come. For some reason, they wanted me with them.

"Let's just walk around the experience building first before going on the ride, okay?" Sebastian asks me, pulling me closer. I nod and look at Kimi, who's once again wearing his sunglasses. I giggle slightly, the fact that everyone thinks he's like this is a joke. Kimi is actually such a sweet guy, always worrying about the people he loves. He just doesn't like to be seen as that, so he puts up a wall whenever he's in public.

Sebastian on the other hand, is like a small child sometimes. He's seen skipping around the garage, he laughs and jokes around whenever he can. It's great to see the contrast between the two drivers. The fact that they're such close friends makes it even better.

"I'm glad when this day is over" Kimi mumbles, making me groan. This time, Kimi looks at me, quite surprised.

"Quit whining, Kimi! Today is going to be fine, so suck it up and just stop being an annoying Fin!" I say, making him raise an eyebrow at me. He sighs and just hooks his arm through mine again.

"Fine" I smile brightly at Sebastian, who laughs softly from next to me. We walk around, me making sure that Sebastian and Kimi get onto the pictures without me in it too much.

We finally get to the ride, making me excited. I let the two drivers sit in front, me behind them. Another team member from Ferrari, Sebastian's engineer, joins me. I grin at him, while the ride starts to move up. Once we go down, Sebastian puts his hands in the air, making me chuckle.

When I thought it wouldn't happen, Kimi finally puts his hands up as well, following his team mate's actions. I smile proudly, feeling like I caused that. Sometimes, Kimi needs to get some tough love. He'll eventually shows his soft side, the side that enjoys things as well.

"Wasn't that fun?!" I ask, as we get out again. Sebastian high fives me, with Kimi slowly following. I just stare at him, before he finally gives in.

"Fine, you were right. I actually enjoyed it" I smile at him, giving him a hug. Kimi smiles and hugs me back, before Sebastian joins us in one big group hug.


This one was requested by VettelFerrari

I hope you liked it! Didn't really know what to write, so I hope this was okay!

If you have a request, you can send me a message with it :)


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