Rain - Sebastian Vettel

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The rain is pouring down, making me annoyed as well. I sigh heavily, zipping up my Ferrari jacket to my chin. A shiver runs over my back. I put my arms over each other, a failed attempt to keep me somewhat warm.

"I hate rain" a voice says from next to me. Kimi is standing there, an annoyed expression on his face. Atleast he doesn't have to walk through the rain.

"Well, you can stay inside" I say, making him smile slightly. He puts his hand on my shoulder for a moment, before walking back into his garage. I'm stood there waiting for Sebastian, my driver. I've worked with him for over a year now, starting in the 2016 season.

I like China, the Grand Prix is mostly fun, but I hate the rain. It makes it lots of less fun to be here. Especially now that Sebastian has to go to the drivers press conference and I have to take him, through the rain.

"Well, I think we should go now" a voice says, making me jump. Sebastian is standing there, frowning at the rain. I nod and want to start walking out, but Sebastian grabs ahold of my arm, pulling me back.

"One sec" he says, turning around and walking back inside. I frown now, wondering what he needs to do before going. I sigh as I turn back to the rain.

"Alright, let's go" I hear the German voice say. Without turning back to him, I start walking. I prepare for the rain to hit my head, but it never comes. I frown and look up, seeing an umbrella above my head. I slowly look at Sebastian, who is grinning at me. I feel myself blushing, as we walk towards the media centre for the press conference.

"Thanks" I mumble, making Sebastian grin and nod his head. He puts the umbrella to the side once we're inside, giving me a smile before walking off. I just stand there, staring at the German walking away from me.

It annoys the crap out of me how he keeps making me blush, no matter how hard I try to ignore all the sweet things he does for me. This is not the first gentleman like thing he does. When we were in Australia, I complained about my feet hurting and he actually carried me back to the car that was supposed to take us back to the hotel.

He buys me food whenever I'm hungry and he holds doors open for me whenever I'm around. And through every single thing, I keep blushing, feeling myself fall more and more for Sebastian.

I sigh heavily, before following him towards the big room. I take my seat and try to listen, instead of staring at Sebastian. He keeps catching my eye, sending me a wink every once in a while.

At the end, I wait outside for Sebastian. My eyes are stuck on the rain, sometimes moving to the Ferrari red umbrella in the corner.

"Okay, I'm ready to go back!" Sebastian announces, smiling widely at me. I nod my head and want to walk to the umbrella.

"No, let me do it" Sebastian quickly says, grabbing it before I can. I just frown at him, actually amused by how hard he's trying.

"Why? I'm your PA, I'm supposed to carry it, Sebastian" I say, putting my hands in my hips. Sebastian smiles while he softly bites his lip.

"But how am I supposed to impress you if you hold it for me?" he asks, opening the door and waiting for me to walk out. He is grinning at my face, as it's looking very surprised by Sebastian's answer.

A bit shocked, I walk out of the door, letting Sebastian hold the umbrella above us. The further we walk, the more frustrated I'm getting. I suddenly stop walking, Sebastian not noticing for a few seconds. The rain soaks my hair and clothes immediately, but I don't care.

"What the hell are you doing?" Sebastian yells at me, walking back to hold the umbrella above me, but I push it away. Sebastian frowns, as he keeps trying. Everytime, I push the umbrella away, as my eyes are fixed on his face. He becomes more and more frustrated by me.

"What the hell is your problem?" he asks, giving up and putting the umbrella down, now letting the rain soaking him as well.

"Why are you trying to impress me?" I simply ask. Sebastian grins, taking a step closer to me.

"Because I like you. A bit too much, if I'm honest" he answers, looking down into my eyes. I look up at him with wide eyes.

"You do?" I ask, biting my lip from smiling too much. Sebastian nods, coming closer and closer to me. He bites his own lip, as he's extremely close to me now. He leans down, his lips coming very close to me.

"Is this okay?" he softly asks me. I nod with a small smile. Sebastian grins, before pressing his lips against mine. I feel surprised by how good his lips feel. It feels so right, yet a bit wrong. The rain keeps pouring down on us and after a good minute, I feel myself shivering. Sebastian feels this as well.

"Let's continue this, inside" he says and grabs the umbrella. He grabs my hand and pulls me with him, inside.


Request by VettelFerrari

I'm soooo sorry it took me so long!! I do hope this was worth the wait!

If you have a request, send me a message! :)


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