Winning - Daniel Ricciardo

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I've never been this nervous for anything in my life. I'm standing in front of the beautiful looking Red Bull car, the one I'm supposed to get in. I'm usually the test driver for Red Bull Racing, only driving in practice sessions, when it doesn't matter what time I get.

But Max Verstappen is sick, so he can't drive. Red Bull assigned me in the car this weekend, replacing him in the race.

"I can't do this" I mumble to Gianpiero, the guy who's usually Max's race engineer. He looks at me and shake his head.

"Yes, you can" he replies, looking at the data sheets in his hands. I shake my head, turning around, looking further to the back of the grid. Magically, I qualified 6th yesterday, putting me behind my now team mate, Daniel. The same Daniel who's also my boyfriend. I look towards him in P5, to see him looking back at me. He mouths the three words that get my heart beating even faster than it already was.

I love you too

"It's time to get in the car, Y/N" Gianpiero says, holding me my balaclava and helmet. I take a deep breath, while I let myself slide into the cockpit. Gianpiero secures me into the seat, connecting all the wires as well.

"Alright, you can do this, Y/N" he says through the radio. I put my thumbs up to him, while the other mechanics let my car get down on the grid, taking the tyre wraps off. The lights turn green and we all drive off for the formation lap. I steer my car from left to right, warming up the tyres.

"Does it feel okay, Y/N?" Gianpiero asks me. For some reason, as I'm driving the car, my nerves fade away and are replaced by some well needed adrenaline.

"It does, yeah. I'm ready" I stop my car again at P6, patiently waiting for the lights to go on and off again. When that happens, I speed off, trying to get the best racing line possible. Before turn 1, I'm next to Daniel, but he has a better racing line, so he stays in front of me.

After 5 laps, the cars behind me are within a good distance, while I'm still behind Daniel. I can't see the Ferrari's or Mercedes anymore, which means it's just us two. I know Daniel well enough to know he likes this, just us two, battling each other.

A few laps before my pit stop, I see some rain drops coming down on my visor.

"It's raining?" I half ask Gianpiero. When I keep seeing the drops and Gianpiero confirms it, I start to panic.

"I can't drive in the rain" I say, as I slow down enough to keep the car under control.

"Yes, you can. Box at the end of this lap, keep distance from Daniel. He's coming in as well" Gianpiero tells me. I do what he says, while trying to calm myself down. Atleast Daniel is still racing. After his bad start of the season in Australia, he needs this race in China to be good. Rain might help for him. For me, not so much.

I finally get in the pitlane and see Daniel just taking off again. I get the Intermediates under my car and drive off again.

"Stay calm and just drive, Y/N. If Max can do it, so can you" Gianpiero tells me. I chuckle, knowing the race Max had in Brazil last year. He is amazing in wet conditions. I have never raced in the wet before, not even during practice sessions.

Before I know it, I'm just doing it. I'm racing and I'm surviving lap after lap. 10 laps before the end of the race, I spot a car in front of me. It's not Daniel, but it's a silver car. A Mercedes. I'm getting closer and closer, until I'm practically behind it.

"You got him, Y/N!" Gianpiero encourages me. I decide to try to be bold, like Max would do. It is his car, after all. I brake later than the Mercedes and get in front of him in the corner. I get out in front as well, hearing Gianpiero cheering over the radio. A couple of laps later, I see another car, Daniel's car.

Without knowing how, I get really close.

"What do I do?" I ask Gianpiero, noticing how I'm just as fast as Daniel.

"You're free to race" he just replies. I nod, more to myself as he can't see me. I get close to Daniel and I can see him looking in his mirrors. I can only imagine the grin on his face right now. We have a few almost fights, but Daniel is quicker and better in the wet. But the most important thing, we both finish, bringing points home to Red Bull.

I park my car behind Daniel's, getting out. He's out before I am, so he pulls me into his arms the moment I'm out.

"You did amazing, babe! I'm so proud of you" Daniel says loudly, as he has to talk through his helmet. I just pull him inside, where we take our helmets off. I quickly press my lips against his, happy with how today went.

"Thank you. You did well! I saw you looking at me" I say, as I go stand on the scale. Daniel goes beside me, grinning at me.

"I saw you coming. Can't believe you got the Mercedes as well" he says, taking my hand as we walk out of the room and towards the garages. Hamilton won, Vettel came in second and Raikkonen third.

"He was so slow!" I giggle, while Daniel just shakes his head.

"No, you were just quick" he says, smiling widely at me. He pulls me in for a longer kiss, before we're pulled apart for the post race interviews.


Request by WriterExtreme

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