Dally and Darry.

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Request for SuperSammy01999

Darry POV
It was cold. Snowing outside. I was sore and emotionally exhausted. Dally and I had got married two months ago and things were fine. We lived together and slept together. I was nervous though.I began to feel a pain in my stomach so I bought a home pregnancy test. I walked inside the house and nobody else was home. I was both relieved and disappointed. I took my bag inside the bathroom and read the directions. Pee on a stick. Seems simple enough. I grabbed a cup out of my bag and peed inside then let it sit for five to ten minutes until it was done. I ate some soup while I waited. When my watch beeped I picked the test up and saw a tiny blue plus. I began to cry. I was scared of Dally leaving me. He's not gonna want this baby and Ponyboy and Soda won't be able to help. Because it's a distraction from work and school. I'll have to give my baby up for adoption. I was beginning to freak out. When I heard a voice say" Hey Teddy bear! I'm home. What's wrong? Who's ass needs a good kick huh?" I looked up and seen Dally. He was still in his bartender's​ uniform and his hair was combed. I laughed through my tears and said" No ones ass needs a good kicking. Dally" He said" Are you sure? Because someone made you cry and nobody makes my husband cry." I sighed and got up. I grabbed my cup and gave it to him. I took the stick out and looked at it. He was quiet for ten minutes. It was the longest ten minutes of my life. Then he said" Oh Darry baby we are going to be parents. Aren't you excited! This is the best day ever. If it's a girl we are naming her Julie or Jane after your mom. If it's a boy..." I cut him off  " Dally. I really don't know what to do next. Wait aren't you gonna leave? " He blinked and said" That was rude to just interrupt me like that.  Anyway the boy's name is Ted or Justin. Maybe even Chris or Eric." I like the name Eric. What do you think?" I said" I think I am confused. Aren't you gonna leave me alone and go back to Sylvia or Kate or one of your old girlfriends." He looked sad and had tears forming in his eyes. He got up kissed me and said"I'm going to run a bath okay. " He went in the bathroom and filled the tub. I walked in and he had poured some apple bubble bath in the tub. I could smell our vanilla candles. He was sitting on the floor crying. I walked in and wrapped my arms around him. I whispered " What's a matter Dally huh my little tiger?" He sniffed and said" I can't believe you think I would leave you. Darry we got married. My last name is Curtis now and I love it. I love you."  He reached out and rubbed my stomach. Then he froze and gasped. I said" What what is it? Dally you are scaring me." He smiled and said" Darry our baby just kicked."  I said " I know that he or she kicks me all the time." He looked so cute having his moment. He undressed us and slid me carefully into the tub. I sighed and said" Dally our baby is gonna be hell on wheels. Just like you. " He laughed and said " Yeah but our baby will be smart and sweet just like their beautiful mother." I blushed so hard I thought my cheeks would melt off.He shoved his tongue in my mouth and whispered" We can still do it right? Because I'm not sure I'll be able to stop myself from touching you all over." I giggled and kissed him softly. I said" Of course Dally but we have to go to the doctors​ and get checked out. Get the okay from the doc.. Dallas Tucker Winston Curtis!" He ignored me and slid into me. He gently started rubbing me harder and faster. I started screaming at him. " Faster please don't stop. Keep going I'm almost​ there baby.Ahhhh! " I came all over his stomach. He smirked evilly and said" See Darry maybe that will teach you not to interrupt me when I'm speaking." He kissed my stomach and said" We gotta teach mommy some manners huh?" I said" We also gotta teach Daddy to keep his hands to himself." He laughed and said" Yeah but if I kept my hands to myself you wouldn't be pregnant." He dried us off and we had ice cream. Then he told me" No more working. You have to get a desk job. Because carrying roofing is dangerous." I told him I would try a desk job. No matter how boring it sounds. Soda and Ponyboy are tickled pink to become uncles. Plus Steve and Johnny proposed to my brothers. Our baby was a boy. His name is Eric Daniel Curtis. Daniel was my grandfather's name. Eric is a good baby. And he is gonna be so spoiled.

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