Ponyboy and Johnny.

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Ponyboy's​ s POV.
It was summer. Mid June to be exact. It was so hot my hair seemed to malt. There are advantages and disadvantages to being a greaser. One of the disadvantages is you can't grease your hair during the summer months. Darry didn't want me lazing around the house all summer. So he sent me to a boys camp called Lake Love. Darry had gone here and got his first kiss. So had Soda. They keep telling me how much fun I'll have. I'm not looking forward to it. But somehow they convinced Dally to take Johnny up here as well so at least I won't suffer alone. We just got dropped off and Dally hugged us. So did Darry and Soda. They told us to be good and don't get in trouble. Then they left. Johnny said" Ponyboy. It's really hot out here huh?" I said " Yeah. Johnny sure is. Phew!" We met with the other boys in our cabin named Samuel and David. They seemed nice. Until David started talking to Johnny. He was getting real close to him. I called Soda and told him. He said" Ponyboy it sounds to me like you are jealous. Johnny is allowed to have other friends honey. Remember he loves you. You have been friends since you were three almost four years old. Calm down. Don't worry about this David guy and have fun. Make me something okay baby? Love you. The boys say hi. Bye Ponyboy." I got off the phone and realized Soda was probably right. He always gives the best advice. But four days later I forgot all about Soda and his advice. David had taken Johnny with him to make out point. Where the boys take the girls across the lake. I was mad as hell when he came back to our room. I threw all of his clothes outside and tossed his Journal on the bed. It opened to a page and this is what it said June 19, 1967. Friday night. Dear Journal,
Hi it's me again. I had a wet dream about you know who. I spoke with Dally about it and he keeps insisting that I tell Ponyboy how I feel. But um has he seen Darry? Boy is huge. Now I can lie to myself. I can even lie to Ponyboy but I can't lie to Dally. Plus it's like he has a built in lie detector . He looks me up and down then says" Why you lying Johnnycake​?" I turn red at the thought of him finding out my love for him. In my dream he was taking a hot shower and Dally was sitting on the sofa with me. We began to play Truth or Dare. Until Dally smirked evilly and said " Johnny, I dare you to go take a shower with Ponyboy." I stammered" D Dallas! Are you nuts? I can't do that." He grabbed me and undressed me then walked me up the stairs. He shoved me inside the bathroom and closed the door. Ponyboy said" Hello? Who is it? Go ahead and pee but don't flush. thank you." I said" Ponyboy it's me Johnny could I get in with you​?" He peeped out and said" Sure baby come on." I got in and we looked at each other. Now we'd seen each other nude before. But I was eight then. Ponyboy was huge. It had soft red hair and it looked thick. He pulled me to him and washed my hair with Ocean shampoo and conditioner. Then I soaped him up. He moaned softly and said" Johnny boo? Use your mouth." He pushed me to my knees and I started sucking on him. He pulled my hair to warn me but I swallowed every last drop. It was delicious. Then I turned him around and sniffed him. He giggled and said" Mmm! You like that huh? Yeah boy. Use your tongue baby." I slipped my hand in him and used my tongue on him. Ponyboy then rubbed me hard until I came all over his stomach. Then Dally woke me up with coffee and cinnamon rolls. That was last Tuesday morning. Just before we left to go to camp. I like it. I'm having fun. David seems nice. But Ponyboy Michael Curtis will always own my and Dally's hearts. Bye signed Johnny Curtis. To say I was surprised was an understatement. I looked up and seen Johnny standing there. He didn't speak. Just began collecting his clothes and his two pairs of shoes. He looked scared and sad. He was fighting back tears. So I asked him" How was your date huh? Have fun with David?" I said it sarcastically. He said" No. I'm calling Dally to come and get me. I'm going back to town. I know it's a two hour drive but he won't mind." I frowned and felt horrible I said" No Johnny don't leave me. What happened?" He didn't talk so I cornered him and said" Tell me what happened?please Johnny talk to me." He said" Ponyboy he tried to force me. I shoved him into the lake and ran away." I went outside and found David. I beat that kid so bad. It was unreal. I put him in the hospital. I was banned from participating in the camp activies for a week. During that week Johnny stayed with me. And I had made his dream a reality. We took a hot shower and I rubbed the soap all over his yummy tan skin. Johnny said" Wow! Ponyboy I don't think it will fit." I said" Don't worry honey. We will slip it in nice and slowly." Johnny and I lost our virginities to each other that summer. There are advantages and disadvantages to being a greaser. One of the advantages is being around Johnny.

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