Two Bit and Steve.

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Steve's Pov.
My back was on fire and I wanted a hot bubble bath so badly. My whole body ached and I was waiting for Soda to hurry the hell up restocking the Cokes so we could leave. He was talking forever though. Look I get it. He was still hung up over Sandy. He missed her real bad. He didn't know when to take a hint though. He kept writing to her and she kept sending it back. Its been going on for three months now. Its tiring to see him get his hopes up then have them dashed again. When he finished he hopped in my car and I drove him back to the house. Then I dashed back to my house and ran a hot bath. I dumped some lavender bath soap in there and sank into the warm water. I sighed as I felt all the aches and pain, tenderness and soreness from the day melt away. I felt the door open and close. I grinned in relief because it was Keith. He leaned in and whispered in my ear" Well well well. Hello to you too. I think someone forgot about my dinner Stevie. Where are my tacos huh?" I blushed and said" Um I'm not sure I imagine they are the same place my eggs and pancakes from this morning are. At the grocery store." He pulled his shirt off and slipped his jeans down. He climbed in and sucked me. I wasn't hard but in a matter of five minutes I was. I moaned and he pulled away from me saying" Now that I have your undivided attention. I'll ask again. Where are my fucking tacos?!" I opened my eyes and yelled" Ahhh! Baby I'll get them I swear good heavens! Man have mercy! I'll get them!" He laughed and let me bust in his mouth. Then he slid himself inside me and french kissed me. Nobody in our gang knew about this. We all knew about Pony and Dally and Johnny. Those three were about as secretive as a elephant in a danm tutu. Darry knew as long as Pony was happy he was happy for him. Soda wouldn't have believed that Two bit and I would be together but we have been dating for six weeks now. Its beautiful. I love him so much. As I entered him again he moaned and said" Steve. I hope you know how hard I've fallen for you cause it's been hard to keep this a secret from the guys. But if you really aren't ready to tell them. I can respect that decision. Because I trust you and know we will do the right thing at the right time." I just kissed him. I'd tell Soda tomorrow at work. He should know and I love Keith too much for him to continue to lie to the guys. I know he'd do anything for me just as Id do anything for him.

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