First Bath.

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Dally's POV
Today is Eric's first bath. Originally we were gonna put him the sink but he didn't like that so we got a baby bath bucket and hooked him up to that. Guess what he didn't like that either. So I finally said" Screw it Darry let's just take a bath with him. Okay he's keeps crying and he needs a bath. Maybe it'll help." He said" Yeah okay we all bathed with Mom and Dad when we were little. I'll run the water. " All three of us got in the tub. It smelled like rose and apples. I grabbed Darry and washed his hair. He washed mine and then we lathered up Eric. He smelled clean like honey and milk. He was laughing splashing and having a great time. He also peed in the water too. So Darry's paranoid self drained it and ran fresh water. It's fine I had a nice time with my husband and kid. So I'm not complaining. Eric was playing with his boat and ducky. He loved it. I had a great time too. He loves throwing water everywhere​. It was fun to clean up after. Now nearly every night we take a warm bath with Eric. It helps him to relax and sleep. I never thought I'd be a dad. My own father was such a screw up. I thought for sure I'd one. But now I can't ever imagine leaving Eric and Darry. There are my world. I'd be nuts to leave them. It's nice to come home from work and have wet juicy kisses on my face from my boy. He's learning how to talk. He can say Dada and uh oh! It's so cute. When Darry and Ponyboy get into it. Eric breaks it up and looks at Ponyboy and says" Uh Oh!" It's makes us laugh so hard they forget why they were originally gonna argue about.
I always thought I'd be miserable forever. I'm very glad to say I was wrong.

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