Chapter Four

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Hermione's POV

I returned to my flat after hanging out with Ginny for a couple more hours to find that I had the apartment all to myself. Malfoy must be doing something, but anything that keeps us separate makes me happy enough. I refuse to be the one to apologize first, as Malfoy was ruder. However, we are both unnecessarily stubborn so neither of us have given in.

I went to my room and changed in some more comfortable, less professional clothes and flopped on my bed. I let Hermes out of his cage and opened my window for him to get some exercise as it began to get darker outside.

I was just going to lay on the couch and snack on some junk food when Draco walked inside.

He ignored me, and I him until you could practically cut through the awkwardness in the air with a knife.

"Hi," I greeted Malfoy curtly.

"Hello," He replied, then decided to make it even worse and sit next to me on the couch, so I promptly got up and retreated to my room.

It's literally been an entire week of this and I'm honestly done with it. I left my room and sat next to him until he looked up.

"Yes, Granger?"

"I'm done with this. We can't live together and ignore each other whenever we are nearby," I started.

"Actually we can, it's what we've been doing for a week." Malfoy rolled his eyes.

"Okay. Fine. We can but it absolutely sucks. We live together, our goal should not be to avoid each other at all costs," I lectured.

"Yes, Professor," Malfoy rolled his eyes.

"Look, Malfoy, at least I'm trying here."

"Yes, yes, credit to you for that," Malfoy nodded nonchalantly.

"Can we each just apologize and get it over with?" I suggested.

"Fine. Go ahead."

"I'm sorry that you can't handle being an adult," I started. "And also that I suggested that you can't be trusted and are stupid." But whether or not those statements are true, I'm not sure.

"Great apology," Draco said, not even trying to hide the sarcasm in his voice. "I'm sorry for calling you a mud-blood, among other things."

"Right, now that we've finally got that done, and very clearly meant all of it, we can hate each other and communicate about it!" I gave him a fake smile.

"Okay then. Screw off, will you?" Malfoy asked.

"Uh, I'd rather not, thanks," I stood. "But if you insist, I can find something to busy myself." I went inside Draco's room.

"Wait! Wait! Why are you going in my room?" Malfoy became frantic. "That's my personal stuff!"

"I'm finding something else to do!" I looked around, trying to find something incriminating.

"No, don't!" Malfoy appeared at the door then evidently had an idea that made him grin. "Oh! Fine, then. If you're going through my room, I'll go through yours."

I chuckled. There's nothing in there for him to find. What is there, however, is a diary that is cursed. If Malfoy tries to read it, it'll glue his eyes shut, make him levitate by his underwear--essentially a magical wedgie, a spell I invented--and it'll also make his entire body freeze in that position so I can catch whoever breaks into my things. It's very unlikely he'll find it anyway, though.

I fished through the depths of Malfoy's trunk and found a small leather bound book. I made a mental note of the location, not wanting to remove it from its location. I continued to look, but the only other thing I found was a small gold pendant with the words 'There is only power' on it, although that could just be a family heirloom and didn't seem too harmful.

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