Chapter Twelve

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I'm feeling good today since it is 20 Years of Potter Day so have this chapter as a present.


Hermione's POV

I slipped on the Invisibility Cloak, and told Malfoy to go ahead.

"Do you want me to knock, or-"

"No, how about you just make a hole in the roof," I rolled my eyes. "Of course you should knock."

"Okay, okay. I'll knock," Malfoy walked up the steps to the large ornate wooden door and hesitated for a moment.

"Go," I commanded. "What're you wai-"

Draco knocked, three steady raps that echoed through the house.

The lock clicked, and the handle turned. I held my breath as the door slowly opened, revealing Lucius Malfoy.

"What do you want?" He asked. "If you want anything the answer is no. But I'm sure that you've found something you can do for work. Flipping burgers is perfect for things of your intelligence," Lucius said scathingly.

"I don't need any help, much less do I want it," Draco frowned. "I'm just here to ask you a couple of questions."

"Fine. Know I won't waste much time on scum like you," he turned, and for a moment, he stared right at me as if he knew before looking back to Draco.

"Oh, my apologies, certainly; I was so very concerned as to whether or not I'd be an inconvenience," Draco said sarcastically.

"You will speak to me with respect, boy," Lucius snarled.

"It's not like you deserve any," Draco loftily rolled his eyes.

"Malfoy blood--my blood--runs through your veins. Whether you want to or not, you will respect me." Lucius demanded.

"Most definitely, sir Malfoy sir," Draco plastered a fake smile on his face and his father's eyes blazed.

"What are you here for?" He asked, tight-lipped.

"Did you kidnap Miss Ginevra Weasley?"

"No, but I'd shake the hand of whoever did," Lucius smiled cruelly. "But I can assure you I had no reason to take that filthy blood traitor, as I've already gotten her father fired. People of their kind should not be allowed to hold even the lowliest positions at the Ministry."

My mouth gaped. Although I figured Malfoy would've had to have gotten it from somewhere, his father was easily a thousand times worse than I was expecting.

"Do you know anything about the others who escaped Azkaban with you?"

"Escaped Azkaban? Now this is ridiculous." Lucius slammed the door in Draco's face.

Draco knocked again, then proceeded to pound on the door repeatedly until Lucius opened it again.

"Hurry up," Lucius hissed.

"Thought you'd like to know--not that you care about her anymore--Mum is in a coma right now," Malfoy turned on his heel. "Goodbye."

I turned to follow him, and as I took a step forward the Cloak slipped off from my head, making me visible.

"Thought so. I could smell your foul stench even if I couldn't see you, filthy Mudblood," Lucius stated matter-of-factly.

"Don't call her that," Malfoy defended me before I opened my mouth. He looked to me protectively. "Let's get out of here. We have what we need."

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