Chapter Fourteen

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Draco's POV

That was hot.

I cupped my face and felt my skin heat up. I definitely had a hand print across my cheek. Being pale has its disadvantages.

As Granger walked out of the room, I sighed in relief. If she'd looked at me any longer, she'd have definitely noticed the tent in my jeans. I attempted to adjust myself and thought about Dumbledore naked, which solved my little problem immediately.

I followed her out of her office, rejoining Quinn and Harry.

"I'll talk to Ron later, so while you're here I'll just tell you where you go next." Harry pointed to our little suspect board. "We'll take Carrow, you can have Dolohov." Harry spat his name as if he despised him.

"Any possible locations?" Granger asked authoritatively. Taking charge looked good on her.

"You should check a couple of known Death Eater areas; but first you should check on the Shrieking Shack, he was seen in that area and we should check it to make sure the students are safe at Hogwarts anyway, and if we're lucky you will find him there as well." Harry instructed.

"Sounds good. Let's go." Hermione turned to go, but Harry grabbed her shoulder. "Bring Quinn. You need someone."

Hermione glared at him, but Harry returned it and Hermione begrudgingly shrugged. "Fine, then."

Quinn joined us, and I could feel her looking at me, silently begging me for eye contact, but I didn't want to give it to her. Last night was fun, but I wasn't looking for a relationship, I just wanted to hook up. She evidently wanted more than I was willing to give. Sure, she's cute, but she's not really my type.

We apparated to Hogmeade and headed to the Shrieking Shack to investigate.

"Quinn, you know the secret tunnel under the Whomping Willow? Go in there, wait for anything. If he's in there, he won't get out that way." Hermione ordered. Quinn nodded and left for the Willow.

"Malfoy, go around back, see if there are any exits," Hermione looked at me and I complied, heading to the back of the building and finding that all the windows and the one door were boarded shut, I returned to the front and told her.

"Right then, let's go in. Quietly, Malfoy," She scolded as I prepared to kick in the door.

"But that's what they do on Muggle shows, Granger," I whined. "Please?"

"No." Hermione opened the door and slipped inside. I followed, scanning the room. There were a couple of old pieces of furniture in there; couches with frayed and flat cushions and an ancient coffee table made of gray wood.

The floor in front of us squeaked, and Granger instantly cast a Stunning Spell. Blue light shot from her wand, hitting the exact spot where the noise had been.

"Lumos," she whispered, holding her wand out to see what she hit. A small mouse was frozen on the floor, its beady eyes wide in terror, only a couple inches from a small hole in the wall, evidently what it was trying to get to.

"Rennervate." Red light burst from her wand again, and the now traumatized mouse scurried off.

We headed through the other ground floor rooms, finding nothing, but heard footsteps above us.

Raising her wand, Granger headed in front of me and crept up the stairs.

Halfway up, a stair creaked painfully loudly, and I cringed.

"Way to be quiet," I whispered in Hermione's ear.

"Shut up!" She shot back.

As we turned the corner, red light shot directly at us.

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