Chapter Six

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Hermione's POV

I returned to the flat and let myself in. Malfoy was nowhere to be found, and after getting dinner with Ginny, Harry, Tess, and Lorelei, I was exhausted and couldn't care less about where Malfoy was.

I took the journal, which had been in my pocket all evening, and put it in the first place I could think of: my dresser, in the very back.

It's very unlikely that Malfoy will look there, given the previous room searching incident so I changed and collapsed on my bed and immediately fell asleep.


I awoke to an item falling on the floor and shattering. I instinctively whipped out my wand and sent a barrage of Stunning spells toward that entire area of my room.

Guess old habits die hard.

I then turned on the lights, and saw an unconscious Draco Malfoy on my floor, and the journal in his hand. My clothes were strewn about, and my closet and dresser opened messily.

I pried the journal from Malfoy's grasp, and made him levitate and follow me. I walked into his bedroom, lowered his unconscious body onto his bed and left him there. My eyes widened, as I had had an evil idea. I bewitched the journal to float about two inches over his head.

I smiled, happy that I found a sufficient hiding spot that would torture Malfoy for just about all of eternity, then went back to bed, seeing as it was one in the morning, and I was still ridiculously tired.


Draco's POV

I looked around. I was back in my room, but there was a gap in my memory.

I was fishing around in Hermione's things, desperate to get the journal and read it. My curiosity was killing me, and I thought that knowing what Astoria had written would help me and Hermione work better together.

Then the next thing I know, I'm in my bed and, as I did a quick look through my room, I failed in stealing the journal back.

I got up and saw Hermione seated at the table smirking.

"What?" I asked, touching my face. "Did you draw on me? What happened?"

"It's nothing. But I'd be glad to catch you up on the events of last night."

My eyes flew open. That is not what you want to hear when you don't remember something. That makes it sound like something terrible happened, like I slept with someone I shouldn't have or tried to bite my nose off.

Hermione caught me up and I sighed, relieved.

"So nothing terrible."

"You went through my stuff without permission, Malfoy. That's not okay. Don't go into my room." Hermione said seriously.

"But I don't remember any of it, so it's fine," I reasoned, hoping the logic would appeal to her. However, that didn't stop the blush from creeping up my neck.

"You were in your right mind when you chose to do it, yes?" Hermione questioned me.

"Er, well um, you see, that's differ-"

"So yes. You willingly chose to rifle through not only my room and personal belongings, but also my underwear. Look, okay, I'm trying to live with you, and I'm not going to lie, it hasn't been easy, but it has been bearable. I really don't want to uproot myself again, but Ginny has advised me to move out and I'm beginning to seriously debate whether or not I should keep living here, alright?" Hermione vented.

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