Chapter Sixteen

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Draco's POV

All of our things were strewn across the floor. Clothing rested on furniture and was in piles on the floor. Drawers were hanging open, Hermione's books were all bent and some of the pages were torn to pieces.

"Don't go in, they might still be in there," Hermione put her arm in front of me to stop me from entering and drew her wand. She took a step forward, but I held her back.

"What exactly do you think you are doing?" I asked, grabbing her hand. Her fingers were rough, not at all similar to hands I had grown used to with girls through the years. I smiled inwardly. Guess I should've expected Hermione to be different.

"Going in to check if it's safe. How thick are you, Malfoy?" Hermione rolled her eyes.

"I'm smarter than you think, Granger. I'm trying to protect you here. I'll go in first." Because Potter would kill me if I didn't.

I removed her arm from my hip and stepped forward, taking out my own wand.

I entered and went into the kitchen from the living room, making sure no one was in the hall opposite me. I looked around, and besides the mess, nothing was there. Returning through the living room, I checked my room and my closet before going into the bathroom across the hall, my wand still at the ready. Finally, I reached Hermione's bedroom at the end of the hallway and I pushed the door open.

It was the only one that was closed, but it looked like a tornado had gone through as well. Her window was open, suggesting that was the escape route of whoever had been here. I opened her closet door, and while it felt like I was prying, I quickly checked to see that it was clear.

I walked back to tell Hermione she could enter, but she had already come inside and was gathering things from the floor and began to try and straighten things up.

"Granger, did I tell you you could come in?" I asked.

"I didn't hear any girlish screams so I figured you were alright," Hermione smirked, but it quickly dropped off of her face as a book caught her eye. She gasped. "My copy of Hogwarts: A History!" She grabbed a giant, tattered book that had been ripped to shreds and wrapped her arms around it.

"You're most devastated over a textbook?" I shook my head. "Of course."

"Oh, screw off, Malfoy," Hermione rolled her eyes. "It's sentimental. Not that the content in the book is unimportant, it's actually quite significant. You know, back at school-"

"Please don't." I cut her off before I could hear about everything in Hogwarts: A History. "But if it really means that much to you-" I pulled out my wand and cast a spell. "Reparo!"

The book's spine tightened, rips and tears mending together, the damage vanishing. The wear disappeared and the book flopped shut in front of Hermione all in about a half second.

"Er, thank you." Hermione blushed and I couldn't help but smile a little.

"No problem. It seems sometimes you forget you're a witch," I said lightly.

Hermione chuckled. "I just don't often think of magic solutions and instead slip into a Muggle state of mind, I guess."

"We might as well fix this place up," I cast a bunch of spells and things began to fly around, returning to their rightful locations and clearing room on the floor.

Hermione went into her room to straighten things up.

"Why would someone do this?" I asked, getting up and standing in her doorway as she was folding clothing and putting them in her dresser.

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