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Jack leaped out of his makeshift cot, and sprang to the other side of the room, all the while staring at the guardians.

"What?" Jack yelled pointing his staff toward them.

"Jack! Calm down, put that away! We came because we were concerned." Tooth responded genuinely.

"Why would you be concerned? I thought you all were supposed to be getting back to business as usual?" Jack scoffed.

"You were thrashing about and screaming in your sleep." North said sleepily.

"So, you called everyone here because of my nightmare?" Jack asked sarcastically.

"Mmmm, Yes, I guess I did." North stated gruffly

"Really?" Jack cried, "You could've been stuffing your nosy bunny noses in someone else's business. Yes Bunny I mean you." Jack chuckled.

"I didn't even want to come. I say if you die, you die." Bunny fired back.

"Ouch! You're not still mad about the blizzard of '68  .... right?" Jack laughed.

"Yes, I am." Bunny huffed.

"Come on, come on. You're not getting this subject off you, got it?" Tooth said speedily.

"Uhh, come again?" Jack said stumped by her speech.

"What were you dreaming about that was so bad?" Tooth asked.

"Oh, it was really nothing I'm fine." Jack stated not wanting the guardians to think he was weak.

"Cough it up." Bunny translated for Sandy.

"I honestly don't remember." Jack lied.

"So you're sure it wasn't about Pitch?" North questioned.

"Yes, I'm sure." Jack said.

"Alright, I just want you to know that you can tell us anything alright Jack?" Tooth said.

"Yes, I know Tooth. Now go back to bed all of you." Jack ushered them out of his room before slamming the door on their backs.

The truth was, Jack was afraid of his dreams. He couldn't tell if they were real or not anymore. That scared him beyond his wits end. If he wasn't in control of his life, who was? Jack hated lying to the guardians as well, but he didn't want them to know that he was afraid of some pictures he saw during sleep. He hated himself for all these reasons and more. 

He wanted to punish himself for all the lying he had done. Jack didn't want to go as far as cutting though, so he swore that every time he lied he would pluck a strand of hair and add it to his jar of lying hairs. Jack did just that. He pulled the jar out from under his cot, and added the silver strand into the jar. He noticed that it was already halfway full. Did he really lie that much?

Repressed  (The second book in the Memories series)Where stories live. Discover now