Bane Frost

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Alright, a little clarification before I start this chapter off ... This entire chapter takes place inside of Jack's head. None of the Guardians can here him because he is unconscious at the moment.

Jack snorted as he looked at his identical half, "Bane? What kind of name is that?"

Bane looked to Jack with hatred practically oozing out of his eyes, "I'll have you know that my name was clever, far better than Jack in my opinion. Plus it's a synonym or evil, so..."

"Ah, so your evil Frost. Why not make it cooler though?" Jack chuckled.

"Because, I am not under Pitch's control anymore." Bane stated dangerously.

Jack looked curiously at his golden-eyed self, "What do you mean you're not under his control?" 

"Oh my god, did someone replace your head with a rock? I meant exactly what I said, I am no longer Pitch's puppet." 

"And ... What do you plan on achieving from taking over my body?" Jack asked cautiously.

"I want ... Revenge." Bane's words dripped with pure hatred.

"Who do you want revenge on, Bane? No-one has done anything to you." 

"You can't even remember can you?"

"Remember what?"

"What Pitch did to us."

"He just pushed us to be evil, nothing life-changing though."

"Jack, Pitch has controlled our lives from the very beginning."

"W-what do you mean?" Jack asked shakily.

"Let's start from the beginning ... Remember that old shed that was in our backyard? Remember what father did to us there?" Bane asked.

Jack's eyes fell to the ground as he remembered the various beatings his father had given him while inside that shed.

"Yes." Jack muttered.

"Why do you think father disappeared 3 years after the beatings started?" Bane asked, satisfied that Jack actually remembered something.

"I don't know, maybe he felt bad?" Jack uttered hopefully.

"Jack, we both know that's not the reason. The real reason father left us was because he had made a pact with Pitch. This pact was to save Mary. Mary was born with a rare disease that was incurable. So, father set out on a quest to find a powerful medicinal healer, when he came upon Pitch. Pitch went on his spiel about how father could make a pact with him to save Mary's life, and in return he only asked for one small thing. His heart. By taking a person's heart, you can control their actions at any time and in any place. Pitch somehow knew that Manny had chosen us to become the next guardians, so he wanted to turn us dark before we had a chance to touch the light. Therefore, Pitch wanted to cause as much pain as he could. So, when Pitch got bored of father hurting us, he called father to him using his heart, and killed him. Jack, do you see? Pitch has been controlling our lives from the start, and we are playing along to a tee. We are falling into his trap without even knowing it. But this, Jack, this he will not expect. Pitch thinks I'm dead, he thinks you defeated me the first time. But I am back, and stronger than ever." Bane explained slowly.

Jack was staring open-mouthed at his golden-eyed twin with shock. 

"I-I'll help you. I'll give you control of my body as long as you let me have an easy way to take over if you get too... I don't know Bane-ish." Jack agreed.

"Wonderful, if you ever need to take control say 'julkaisu' It's Finnish for release. At any time if you say that phrase, I will let you take control." Bane said strongly.

"You promise?" Jack asked worriedly.

"I give you my word, and my word is my bond." Bane finished mysteriously.

"Dude, we're already kinda bonded together. I mean I'm kinda talking to myself if you think about it." Jack chuckled.   

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