Chapter Nineteen

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A couple of days passed and it's time for the expedition outside the wall. "Please don't go" Armin murmurs, sitting on our bed with a blanket wrapped around him

"I'll be fine. I'm not leaving you that easily" I chuckle nervously. 'I hope.'

"O-okay, just be careful. I don't want to lose you" he says looking into my brown eyes. My body tenses at the sight, Armin's eyes are close to tears, his cheeks are rosy on his fair skin, his hair falling out of the pony-tail.

"I'm going to be careful, I promise" I sigh softly, kissing his forehead, cheekbone, nose, and lips. "I love you" I whisper.

"I love you too" he replies a small smile tugs at his lips. "But I don't want to lose you."

"I have to go now" I whisper, standing back up. "I'll see you later" I add, walking out of the room. I sigh as I shut the door.

'I don't want to lose you' Armin's words replay in my head. I let my back hit against the door. "I'm coming back."

                  (Armin's POV)

I sigh, and lay back in bed. "I can't wait here. I have to go somewhere, but I can't. I want to go outside the wall. I need to do something."

                    (Jean's POV)

"Open the gate!" Commander Eybr- Erwin demands. As the gate rises, everyone begins to radiate fear and anxiety before riding out.

'I have a bad feelin-'

"Oi! Kirstein, stop daydreaming! We have Shit to do!" Corporal yells.

"Yes sir" I answer. Ever since the squad incident, I got transferred to Corporal's squad to help him and the little titan Shit.

"Three titans south sir! Shall we attack?" Eren asks, placing a hand on his gear.

"Hold it, just keep your course. We're going to the forest" Corporal expounds, not looking back.


"Drop it!" Corporal roars, moving faster.

Eren shuts his mouth and hangs his head low. "Yes sir" he mumbles.

Silence surrounds the group as we travel closer to the forest. "Be alert" Heichou states, looking forward.

We nod even though Corporal isn't faced towards us. The air never smelled thus dangerous before. 'There's something Corporal isn't telling us' I thought as we pass the 'gates of hell.'

'Why the hell are we going through the trees? We can't spot titans as easily-' 

"Kirsten! Move to your right! Eren, wait for my signal!" Corporal exclaims.

"Sir!" we answer. As ordered, I guide right and wait for my next order. 'I hope this is worth it.'

                            (Armin's POV)

I sigh once again! This is the third time i read this section of the library. I need to do something else, but what? I'm here all alone... which means that I can eat a lot of food! Oh no, I sound like Sasha" I wonder as I stand from my chair. I lay the book down and walk to the mess hall.

"Hey! It's my favorite coconut! How ya doin?" someone exclaims. I turn around to find Hanji running towards me.

"Oh, hi- AAHH!" I greet calmly until she 'hugs' (attacks) me.

"I missed you! Can I do a check up? I can check out your senses, legs, arm, your prostrate so you and Jean can enjoy more when you dance the side tango?" Hanji questions, wiggling her eyebrows.

"W-what?! N-no. I-ah. No" I stammer, my cheeks turning bright red.

"Hahaha! I was only kidding. . . a little" Hanji cackles.

"Awww, you're no fun" Hanji whines, crossing her arms.

"Whatever, wait. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be outside the walls for the expedition?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh! About that, I was assigned to look after you" Hanji replies, slinging her arm around my shoulders.

'This is going to be a long day.'

Thank you for reading this. I will update once a month so hopefully I can get more chapters in. I hope enjoyed this chapter and Hanji of course.

Hanji: I sure enjoyed teasing Armin, heheheh.

Okay, okay. Armin is such a poor child. Anyway, I hope you please follow, vote, and comment. Thanks,

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