Chapter Twenty- One

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(Jean's POV)

"In the trees! Now!" Corporal exclaims, carrying Eren who idiotically wasted wasted his gas first.

"Dumbass" I grumble. 'This is why you've only killed one titan.' I interally grumble as I land on a giant ass branch.

Titans, blood, steam, limbs, and death is the scene I see. I take a deep breath and zip past titans, slicing the nape of the their necks. 'I will make it. I will make the world ours again and save Armin from this horrible pain.' (Kinda sounds like Yeager. Oops)

"Jean look out!" Eren screams. (Speak of the devil) I turn to look at Eren, but something grabs my gear's wires and yanks me away from the trees.

"No! I don't want to die! Armin, I'm so sorry!" I cry out as I'm being pulled towards a huge bloody mouth. "NOO-AGH! NO, STOP!" I scream in agony, begging for the pain on my arm to cease.



"Jean" Armin purrs. "I just wanted to tell you, you have no idea how long I've wanted to run my hands through your hair while kissing you" Armin murmurs while I kiss his neck. I move my lips down to his collarbone, and he gasps. I chuckle lowly and move to his lips.

"I want you to be happy, with me, by my side from now on" I mumble against his soft skin.


"Armin" I whisper, looking at him. Armin pushes his lips against mine. I look at him in shock, but instantly kiss back. Our lips dance in sync as I move his body closer to mine. Armin then slides his hands up my shirt.


"Race you to the horses!" Armin laughs and jumps off the branch.

"That's cheating!" I laugh, shaking my head as I jump after him.

My life with Armin flashes before my eyes as a titan munched on my arm. Suddenly, I feel the titan lose its grip on my body and I fall into someone's arms.

"Keep your eyes open, Armin needs you. I swear to the walls, if you die, I will beat you to oblivion in the afterlife." I look up to see Mikasa zipping over to a high branch.

As I sit down, Mikasa takes off her jacket and a few of my straps. She puts pressure against my stub of an arm and ties the straps around it.

"We need a lot of pressure to stop the bleeding" Mikasa states, pushing against the stub. I wince and grit my teeth.

"I'll help him" Connie says, landing on the branch, walking towards us.

"It's pretty bad, just keep pressure on the. . .wound" Mikasa replies, hesitation in her words for 'wound' is my ducking missing arm! "if he loses too much blood he'll-"

"I got it! Please go, I can help him" Connie interrupts, his hands pressing against my stub. Mikasa looks from me to Connie, then nods before she jumps to kill the bastards.

My eyes slowly close as my body loses consciousness. "J-Jean! Buddy! Look at me, keep your eyes open. . ." Connie's voice drones out as I lean agianst the tree.

(Commander Erwin's POV)

(I've always wanted to know what goes on in his head) 'Damnit. This was suppose to be a deserted pathway. Where did all these damn titans come from? We can't afford to lose anymore lives!'

"Retreat! Now!" I yell. As much as I hate to do this, I must or else we won't be able to proceed with Reiner and Bertholdt's 'home town' secrets.

'Damnit' I let out a disappointed grunt as all squads head back to the walls.

Hello. So yeah. Jean's arm is gone. I was thinking about him losing his legs, but it sounded too cliche. I have two endings, a good and bad. Comment which one you want to read first and I will post next month. Thanks for reading this. I have three chapter left before this ends so please follow, comment, and vote. Thanks

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