i. introduction

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hello, it is i, the author behind the books, the method to the madness, the poet behind the poetry.

allow me to introduce myself.

my name is josh.

now, i suppose i should tell you a bit about myself, as this book will contain my thoughts, rants, poems, and whatever else i decide should be thrown into this abyss; and if you plan to know my mind, you should know my heart, both of which will be fully on display here, in this book.

here is a list of everything i see relevant or important that you know about me:

- my pronouns are he/him, i only ask you respect them
- i'm pan, all love to the lgbt+ community, stay strong lovelies♡
- i prefer nighttime to daytime and i always have
- i have depression and anxiety
- i don't watch television or movies very often
- my favorite music genre is grunge/emo
- i swear a lot more than you may have been lead to believe
- i know aliens are out there, i just wonder what's taking them so long to abduct me (probably the fact that i'm an ugly rat)
- jupiter is my favorite planet, but i also love neptune
- i love space, if you couldn't tell
- i'm much more well spoken on here than i am in real life
- i'm also a lot nicer on the internet
- i lack a verbal filter, and i'm also quite sarcastic/witty, which often lands me in trouble
- writing is my only hobby
- i have more internet frens than irl frens
- twenty øne piløts is my favorite band
- shane dawson is my favorite youtuber (+ bonus fact, he was also the first one i watched)
- my favorite color is blue, but i also love peach and maroon
- i really miss season one dean

alright, i feel you know me better now, at least somewhat, and perhaps you and i are quite similar, or quite different.

if there are any questions you have, feel free to leave them in the comments and i'll be more than happy answer them.

if you ever need to vent or rant, i'm a great listener, not so good with the talking, but i will lend you my metaphorical ears for as long as you should need them.

and if you ever feel lonely, or haven't anyone else to speak with, i will be glad to be your fren, but i will warn you that i am lame, awkward, and am very poor at carrying on conversation, so be wary of that.

and one more thing, before i go, i hate capital letters, i actually think they're quite ugly, so there will be none of that here.

stay hydrated and take care of yourself, you matter.
until next time,

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