iii. tag thing

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my best fren - NeedsMoreMisha - tagged me to do this, so here i go

i won't tag anyone, but feel free to do this if you'd like to (-:

*side note: i know this is supposed to take place over the span of thirty days, but i feel that is a bit too drug out, don't you? so i will be answering them all here*

1. sam or dean?
dean has had my heart since day one

2. favorite episode?
s3 e11 "mystery spot" has always been my number one

3. favorite season?
one, definitely

4. favorite male character (besides sam or dean)?
castiel, gotta love that lil gay angel

5. favorite female character?
charlie or jody, as they're the only two that don't annoy the shit out of me

6. favorite spn actor/actress?
actor: misha, hands down (but i also love jensen, rich, & dhj a lot)
actress: gen. i mean, how could you not love her?

7. favorite angel (besides castiel)?
either gabriel or lucifer, i love both of them equally

8. least favorite character?
naomi or ruby, both annoy the shit out of/anger me

9. favorite overall villain?
crowley is a "villain" by technicality, but i don't view him as that, so i will say lucifer

10. favorite misha character (castiel, jimmy novak, future!cas, etc.)?
crazy!cas has an odd charm about him, don't you think?
though, i must say, endverse cas kinda stole my heart, the cute hippy stoner

11. favorite character introduction?
castiel's is a classic and it's beautiful, but death's is so iconic i'll have to say his

12. scariest episode?
i don't think any of them are scary

13. favorite bobby scene?
bobby is an absolute gem bless the writers for creating him.
but i'd have to say my favorite is that scene when it's tense and bobby and dean are in bobby's library/living room/whatever and the phone rings and bobby answers it with, "hello? suck dirt and die rufus, you call this number again and i'll kill you." and hangs up and dean turns around, eyebrows raised as he asks, "what's up with rufus?" and bobby replies, "he knows." then the phone rings again and he answers it with, "i'm busy you son of a bitch, this better be important."
bobby is a fucking legend honestly
-please excuse any misquoting, i tried my hardest-

14. ruby 1.0 or 2.0?
2.0, i thought gen did a much better job than katie (not to mention her ruby was way more badass)

15. episode that makes you cry?
the only episode i've ever cried during, - i'm talking red in the face, tears streaming down my face like waterfalls - and i still tear up thinking about it, but i haven't cried over it since and it does not continue to make me cry, is s2 e12 "night shifter"

16. favorite demon?
crowley is the only demon i like/have ever liked

17. favorite spn ship?
destiel, clearly, but i also have a place in my heart for sam x jess & sabriel

18. favorite ghost/monster?
i'm not sure whether this means in general or as a character, so i will answer both ways.
generally: wendigos, probably, but the gods are pretty cool too
character: i guess garth is alright

19. favorite gag reel moment?
in the season ten gag reel, when misha and jared are walking across the street, and misha says, "you're jaywalking again." and jared says, "i'm sam fucking winchester."
but, a close second, is in the season eleven gag reel when jared and jensen are sat the table in the bunker and jared's stomach growls and jensen looks at him and goes, "was that your ass or your stomach?" and jared, laughing, says, "it was my stomach." and jensen, shocked, replies, "that was your stomach?" and jared ends it with, "it was probably on route to my ass, yeah, but it was my stomach."
- please excuse any misquoting, i do try -

20. favorite crying/sad scene?
i have a few, actually.
the first is in s2 e1 "in my time of dying" when sam finds john dead, and everything is slo-mo as he drops the coffee cup and runs to him.
the second is when dean says, "i wish i couldn't feel a damn thing." (i do not remember which episode, but i believe it is in s4)
and the third is when castiel is stabbed by april and dean runs up to him, not even bothering to check on his brother, and he puts his hands on castiel's face, pain in his eyes and voice as he repeats "cas, cas" over and over again as if he's in some sort of nightmare

21. favorite sex scene?
dean and cassie's in s1 e6 "route 666", for multiple reasons.
- the passion
- the music (song; paradise by sharif)
- the arguing scene before hand
- the mood lighting
- dean and cassie's history
it's a really good scene, okay?

22. least favorite episode OR season?
i'll go ahead and put both here;
least favorite episode: s1 e18 "something wicked this way comes" (i believe that is the correct number and title)
least favorite season: i have never really liked season six or season eleven

23. favorite winchester family member (besides sam and dean)?
henry was, of course, the best parent and i do quite like him, but i have always had a soft spot for john, especially knowing that he is somehow a better parent than mary

24. funniest episode?
s2 e15 "tall tales" is timeless

25. favorite season premiere?
the pilot, obviously.
but i also love seasons four and twelve's premieres

26. character you'd most like to see return?
all of the characters who have died are better off dead, and not because i hate every single one of them, but because they are safer and happier that way.
though, truthfully, i wouldn't mind if bobby made some big comeback

27. favorite spn sam quote?
here are a few:
"i lost my shoe"
"dean, WHAT do you think you're doing"
"you smell like a toilet"
"nice screen name dean, impala67"
"it took me a hell of a long time, but i finally got it"
"yeah, you're batman"
"too precious for this world"

28. favorite spn dean quote?
here are a few:
"i don't know man, i think they're called purple nurples"
"it's him, it's dr. sexy"
"i'm batman"
"bite me, gabriel"
"don't ever change"
"yeah, well i'd rather have you. cursed or not"

29. meg 1.0 or 2.0?
i don't much care for meg, but 2.0 was hotter and more badass, not to mention rachel is an absolute sweetheart

30. favorite season finale?
s5 e22 "swan song", it even has my absolute favorite quote.
"dean didn't want cas to save him. every part of him, every fiber he's got, wants to die, or find a way to bring sam back. but he isn't going to do either, because he made a promise."
that finale is just absolutely poetic, and it was supposed to be the original ending for the show, but they were renewed for a sixth season and the rest is history

well, there you have it folks. this ended up being way longer than it needed to be, but hey, i had fun doing it

feel free to correct me on any episode numbers/seasons/quotes, i tried my best, but it's all from memory, so some things may be off, forgive me

stay hydrated and take care of yourself, you matter.
until next time my frens,

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