v. a poet's thoughts ; happiness

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everyone always wants to be happy, they want to live with a smile permanently on their lips, a glow behind their eyes, genuineness in their laugh, a skip to their step- they want to be radiant, shine brighter than the sun, they don't just want to feel happy they want to be happiness, redefine the word, become its new definition, but i don't. i don't wish to live in a reality where my thoughts are altered based upon how i feel, i want to see the tragedy, the pain, the sadness, and i want to live in it, i want to have a rain cloud follow me around and soak my clothes, i want to feel pain in my heart and have my lungs slowly collapse inward with every breath, i want to sink into the wet earth instead of riding a rainbow. i find my happiness in my sadness, so when you ask me what i would wish for, i would wish for the rain to never, ever stop falling.

; excerpt from my mind
; a poet's thoughts
; two - happiness

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