xx. halloween

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happy halloween fellas !!!

may your night be spooky and fulfilling, whether youre heading out to a party, trick or treating, or hanging out at home. i hope you eat candy, get compliments on your costume, and watch the scariest of films.

but wherever you find yourself off to, be safe. hang out with friends or family, look both ways before crossing the street, think twice before drinking the punch. take care of yourself out there buddies. dont want anyone getting hurt, abducted, or lost. please make sure you are safe, your phone is charged, and your friends/family/partner/etc are always close by.

but most importantly, have fun !!! go be spooky, get into the halloween spirit !!!

(also i may change my theme soon, so just ignore that lmao)

lots of love,

that is wild patrick! ; misc.Where stories live. Discover now