xxvii. pete wentz appreciation

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this was originally going to be love for multiple band members but turned into me rambling on about pete so here you go


this man, holy shit where do i even begin? hes good with words, like really fucking amazing with words. i dont think people credit him enough for the poetry he created and continues to create


' from day one i talked about getting out, but not forgetting about, how all my worst fears are letting out. he said why put a new address on the same old loneliness when breathing just passes the time until we all just get old and die. now talkings just a waste of breath and livings just a waste of death and why put a new address on the same old loneliness and this you and me and me and you until weve got nothing left '

thats emo as fuck, but also emotional as hell, and when he recites it in the song, you can hear the passion in his voice and its so moving. he writes beautifully, talks like a teenage girl, and tweets about english muffins. hes fucking brilliant

and hes biromantic ??? thats so fucking dope, you never see celebrities that are biromantic of all things and its so cool. i know he doesnt really talk about it & has ignorantly called himself bisexual, but its still cool that he can talk about the fact that he thinks dudes are hot

do i even bring up the best buy parking lot or can we just agree that he is so strong and i am so proud of him for making it through that and coming out of that shit so much stronger and being the amazing person that he is now. he seems so much happier now than he was pre hiatus and it makes me so emotional because he went through so much crap and deserves only good things and i just want to give him yellow flowers and hug him and tell him hes beautiful. he doesnt get enough credit for getting through the shit hes gotten through & being in the spotlight while dealing with all of his mental health issues as well & now hes so open about it. can you hear me crying

hes such a dork too, he likes sports and memes and uses emojis and thought yoga was short for yogurt and he bleached his hair then called himself "barbie pete." he used to wear eyeliner and victorian capes and fur boots and painted his nails and he didnt give a single fuck what other people thought and hes so fucking weird and he fucking pissed in a hotel hallway and would practicing swinging his bass around in his boxers in he, joe, & patricks old apartment. he kissed kim kardashian and threw his bass in the audience and crowd surfed and had a shoe thrown at him and tells patrick hes beautiful and fucking kissed joe that one time and lost his shit onstage and played piss roulette for some reason and made a slip n slide with dirty and made a hole in the dressing room wall and then insisted he didnt do it because hes a little guy. he pissed in a bathtub and threw his bass at andy that one time and takes selfies with the other guys and had a cringey myspace and calls patrick his beautiful little cabbage and ships peterick and told an interviewer his name was jason and called 'nine in the afternoon' retarded because nine doesnt happen in the afternoon

he fucking wrote fucking what a catch donnie to remind him of patrick and fucking that one performance where they were gonna play it and he fucking says "you know that one friend that thinks theyre a loser but you know theyre not and you kinda wanna be like 'hey idiot'? yeah this songs about that guy, its called what a catch donnie" and then he looks over at patrick like please let me fucking die

lets not forget all the gay shit hes done onstage, the amount of times hes hugged patrick, called him cute/beautiful, kissed his cheek/neck, the list goes on. hes told patrick his voice "is just a gift from god", gave patrick a massage that one time, whether you ship them or not you cannot deny that pete adores patrick and its the cutest thing ever

he always looks so fondly at patrick in interviews and talks about him with such adoration and hes such a good friend too. when patrick first started to gain weight, his shirts would get tight and pete was like "here just borrow my shirts i think your shirts shrunk" and he was really sensitive about the whole thing. on top of that, patrick started wearing hats bc he was insecure and shy and pete was like "why dont you wear hats" and then he did and it made him more comfortable. pete is so genuine and sweet and he cares so much about his friends do you hear my heart exploding

i could ramble on about him for hours, because there is so much to say, so many things that i cant express in words. pete is truly such a lovely person, down at his core, and i wish more people could respect & appreciate him for more than just his looks. i get it, hes attractive and everyone has a thing for pete, its kind of a joke at this point. but hes so so so much more than just a pretty face, he has so many good qualities and traits and hes so interesting and weird and funny and cool and i feel like a lot of people only like him because hes hot /:

pete is a ray of sunshine and i will continue to love, support, and respect him until the day my soul leaves this earth and goes to wherever souls go, in the event souls exist and some realm outside of our own universe here on earth exists

anyhow, i just wanted to ramble on about my love for pete. sorry. this is a chapter not really worth reading, but this is a book dedicated to my thoughts, and pete wentz is always on my mind

stay hydrated and take care of yourself, you matter
if you can live through this, you can do anything

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