vi. no ep tonight )-:

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as i'm sure you all know, there is no new episode tonight, and if you did not know, i'm sorry you had to find out this way

either way, we are all suffering because we all miss cas (except you fuckin tinhat, misha hating twats)

i mean we've had to wait what, five, maybe six weeks for this? cas hasn't been in an ep in i don't even know how long

i don't know if they're excluding him because misha himself is busy with stuff (he has been up to quite a bit lately) or if they simply aren't writing him into episodes because they're sadists who enjoying watching us all in pain (both are plausible)

i plan to write something about s12 and complain about the lack of cas soon, so all of you cas stans can cry with me as we wait for next week

there is a point to this chapter/part, though

because there is no ep tonight (the bastards) i felt like watching an older ep, maybe one from the first five seasons, as those are my favorites

the first few that came to mind were:
- the pilot
- in my time of dying
- mystery spot
- it's the great pumpkin, sam winchester
- free to be you and me

i wanted a second (or third or fourth) opinion on which ep i should watch, or if there was a different one that you love that you'd rather i enjoy

or maybe i'll just binge watch all five of them

anyway, feel free to leave a comment, i would greatly appreciate it

ALSO: happy 4/20 my dudes & it's hitler's birthday so let's be glad he's dead (-:

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