Chapter 1

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The grass as well as some twigs crunched and broke under my steady steps as I stalked my prey, he was a middle aged man with a light brown hair green eyes and he stood about 5.9 feet tall. He was dressed elegantly suggesting that he was an Aristocrat, the Aristocrats were your typical common people who usually only cared for one person and one person only, themselves, this made them easy prey for assassins since nobody would mourn the loss of these selfish bastards. This guy in particular was commonly known in the black markets as ''Dollar Donkey'', he was given this nickname by the those he stole from, children, elders, name anyone and sure enough he has stolen from them and the fact that his face looked like a donkey didn't help him to relieve that nickname.

I had been given intel on him and every rumor or piece of information I got just made me hate this man more and more. In general this man was a pig who couldn't keep his hands out of everyone else's pockets, and knowing this made me want to finish this assignment faster so he could get what had been coming to him for so long. Yet I somehow could not decide on how his reign of terror should end, slow and painful, fast and painless, I had been trained in both and the death of all my victims would depend on their reputation and how they were seen by the people.

This mans' reputation was similar to his face.....omniscient and ugly.........

I kept to the dark embrace of the surrounding shadows and used them to my advantage as I approached the pig of a man, to scare him I stepped onto a few twigs making them crack loudly, and to my amusement he turned his head to where the sound came from with fear plastered onto his face. I took a deep breath before singing a tune I used to make my victims fear what they could not see.

''Ring, a ring a rosies'' I sang as I steadily approached him, still covered by the darkness

The man turned around to pin point where the tune was coming from, a look of recognition and fear evident on his face as he recognized the song as well as the lyrics

''A pocket full of posies'' I sang as I started to edge out of the shadows

He started to shake in fear and gulped down a shaken breath

''Ashes, ashes'' I continued as made my way into the light

He started to panic and slowly started to take steps to get away

''We all fall down'' I finished as I stepped in front of him an arrow strung ready in my bow, he had no time to react as the arrow shot outwards and embedded itself deep in his chest, the force was so great that he flew through the air till his body landed on the ground with a heavy 'thump'. he would not be able to hurt anyone else....

''May your evil ways die along with you'' I said as I approached the body and picked the arm up checking for any sort of other wounds.
After finding that he was mostly clear of any major wounds I dropped the arm, tore off all jewelry and using my knife I cut the head off before stuffing it in a sack and making my way back to the village.

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