Chapter 2

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The village people cheered with excitement as they opened the sack and threw the head into a fire that hungrily dug in and devoured until it was nothing more than a pile of dust. I smiled in the shadows and slunk into the dark woods that surrounded the small cozy village, the shadows are where I felt the safest after the incident that started this life for me.

I was too weak....I couldn't fight's my fault....

Those screams still haunted my ears and made me cringe and gulp in fear, I remembered the pain and fear that I had experienced back then but my memory was interrupted when I sensed a presence behind me and I turned around ready for battle, but I only came face to face with a very familiar face.

''Shadow'' I greeted with a nod and a smile

Still sneaky as the first time we met........

Shadow looked at me and took off her hood to reveal her pale face, long straight black hair and golden eyes. She smiled showing off her pearly canines and threw her arms around me pulling me into a hug, she was always like this ever since she first came into the team.

By team I mean a group of supernatural assassins, as individuals we were all equally deadly but together we were unstoppable, there were 5 of us and each of us were a different supernatural beings that is the reason why we were so unstoppable.

As assassins we all had nicknames so nobody could know who or what we are, 'Shadow' was a werewolf and got her nickname from killing her victims in the shadows and she was so good at it that none of her victims had survived. Other than being an assassin Shadow was still a young woman with a fiery personality and so much curiosity that you could of sworn she was the one who killed the cat, she was really young when we found her and after helping her to join the guild she was like a little sister to me and she thought of me as her older sister, which I didn't mind at all.

''Nightmare, I missed you so much'' she said still hugging me.

Even though her nickname was shadow, her personality shone brilliantly through her eyes......

''I missed you to Shadow'' I said hugging her back

'Nightmare' was my nickname since I was half demon and half angel, this nickname was given to me because I had the power to manipulate the minds of my victim, my most powerful move
was when I made my victims experience their worst fears in the form of a horrid nightmare.

It may sound horrible....but....if they are wanted dead by so people...they deserve whatever they got.....

Shadow soon let me go and dragged me in the direction of where our guild sheltered, it was a a cave in the side of the cliff, this was the perfect place for our shelter since nobody came close to this cliff because no human would be stupid enough to wonder out this far into the wilderness unless they had a death wish.

''So how was your latest assignment?'' Shadow asked me with a curious smile, she knew what I was and how I did my job.

''He will not be causing any more pain to the good people of that village'' I said with a victorious smirk.

We clambered down the cliff face till we reached the entrance and walked in banging on the front door before opening it and entering the place that we call home. The corridor inside the cave was long until we got to the living quarters, each room had a curtain in the entrance to act as a door, there were 12 rooms in total and there were more assassins than just the ones in my group.

There were 5 males who were also in a group of their own, and finally the last 2 people were the bosses that controlled the

entire guild. Having men around helped the girls to not try and kill each other during our arguments and us girls did the same for the boys, but if we got too rough the 2 bosses would quickly put each of us back into line. As girls we liked our privacy and besides that the boys already knew that if we caught them looking through our drawers or come in when we were dressing we would not hesitate to give them a large scar so they could be reminded, it was different if we were caught in their rooms though as they wouldn't hesitate to show us how they thought we should be ''punished''.

Not that it hadn't happened before......

I walked down the long tunnel and turned right, the turquoise curtain hung in the doorway and the bells that hung loosely jingled as I pushed open the curtain and entered my room. I unbuckled and took off my chest armor before hanging it on the dummy that was stationed close to the entrance of the room, I only needed chest armor as well as shoulder and knee armor since I was able to heal but for safety reasons I kept my most vulnerable areas covered. Finally I took off all weapons except for the 2 small knives hidden in my boots and hung them on the wall next to all the other weapons that I have, each and every weapon had been collected from the assignments that made me take out fierce warriors, thieves and assassins. Out of all these weapons I preferred the Ebony bow,

and a Palladium short sword with matching daggers , these were my favorite because they hit with so much force and strength that it was hard to believe how precise they actually were.

My chest plate, gauntlets and knee bracers were silver and made out of the strongest metals I could find, this small factor made it all the more stronger .

Speed and strength.....these made for a quick and deadly combination.......

''Everyone please make your way into the dining room now'' yelled our male leader

With a sigh I looked at my armor once more before heading towards the dining room, curious as to know why we were being called there.

I wonder what he wanted this time.......

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