Chapter 10

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A couple of days passed and the same things happened every day until it became a routine that I quickly got bored of, the door at the end of the hall opened and I was approached by two female figures who looked at me up and down in disgust before they loosened my bonds and pulled me up to me feet. It took a moment for me to gain my balance before they led me out and into a room that had metal bath tub that was filled with water which smelled like rain and pin, the girls then proceeded to use a sponge and clean all the dried dirt and blood from my body, neither of us uttered a word as they led me to a room that was beautiful and had three different dresses which were laid neatly upon the bed.

I took the time to look around and try to find a way out but unfortunately it seemed that they had blocked each and every one, I then started to look at the dresses before sitting on the bed. The door opened to reveal the man who captured me walked in before he closed the door and turned to me with a frown, he was dressed in a dark blue tunic brown pants and brown boots, his outfit suggested that he had dressed up for an event or something important.

''The boss wants to see you, get dressed'' he commanded before opening the door and he clicked his tongue in disgust as he existed the room with a slam of the door

Looking at the different dresses I eventually chose one and slipped it on, I took a minute to look at my reflection in the nearby mirror that Was hanging on the wall and smiled slightly at the blue dress that hung loosely around my body, the fabric was made in a special way that it seemed to show my curves and this made me feel a little self-conscious and at the same time proud of my body shape especially considering the circumstances. I opened the door and walked out only to be greeted by the two females that had cleaned me up who then led me to a room that was also filled with furniture.

.....This must be the room of someone important.....perhaps the leader.....

''Well well well, if it isn't the little female assassin who is solely responsible for the reputation of a guild that managed to rise up the ranks in a matter of weeks'' the voice of a male filled the room as my eyes met the one and only leader of the guild that was ranked second most dangerous.

......One spot just under the one that I belonged to....

''Welcome darling to my private quarters, I hope it is to your liking'' he said with a grin that seemed to make my stomach contort

The leader sat on the bed with a mug of Ale in one hand, he motioned for me to come closer as his dark green tunic hung loosely on his body. I had no intention on sitting next to the man who was responsible for the destruction of the guild that I once called home so I stayed in one place and did not move making his sigh in frustration before he set the mug down on the table and walked towards me, his steps were slow and coordinated meaning that he was intentionally closing the gap between us.

Despite his efforts I did not budge but he kept getting closer and closer until he was so close that our nose were inches from each other, his breath smelled like metal and liquor and I had to restrain myself from gagging on a number of occasions. Unfortunately it seemed that my efforts were not as invisible as I'd have hoped and this guy smirked before he looked at me with a look of lust in his eyes, he inched closer to me looking me up and down as if I were a piece of meat and this caused my blood to boil.

.....How dare you, you disgusting pig......

''If you keep looking at me like that I cannot guarantee that you will keep your vision '' I threatened with a growl

At my words his smirk merely grew and before I could even react he had me up against the wall with his left hand closed tightly around my throat and his right hand on the wall just behind my head, my hands immediately started trying to loosen his grip.

''I would suggest talking nicer to the one that has their hand around your throat '' he threatened with a smug smile on his face

At that moment his eyes turned a misty white color and the irises of his eyes become vertical slits, my eyes bulged open in shock as I recognized exactly who I was dealing with. Viper, a man that was famous for not only his reptilian eyes but the venom that he carried in his saliva, legend has it that he was one of the first few assassins and his reputation was riddled with death. I had read that he would bite his victims and once he did he could make them do exactly what he wanted.

''By your reaction I take it that you have heard of me'' he said in a low sadistic tone

''Only in books and legends'' I gasped out

''Then you should know exactly what I am capable of'' he chuckled lowly

He leaned in closer and closer til I could feel his breath on my ear, my heart raced so fast I could practically feel it pounding against my ribcage and for a moment I felt something I had not felt in a long time, fear, it gripped my heart with so much ferocity that I could feel my legs shake a little as I just realized how vulnerable I had become in the grip of someone that seemed intent on breaking my spirit til I was nothing but a puppet that he could use for his own vile gain.

''I have big plans for you princess'' he said breathing into my ear before leaning his forehead against mine

......What plans? What do you want from me........

''Don't worry it won't hurt, in fact you will feel extremely relaxed afterwards'' he said with a smirk as he opened his mouth to show a pair of long pearly white fangs which seemed to be glistening with a green liquid

....It's poison......

Before I could react he had his mouth on the right side of my throat, I could feel his fangs pierce my skin and he let out a muffled laugh as a cold stinging feeling washed over me and I then realized that the venom was now in my bloodstream and was spreading at an alarming rate. He then took this opportunity to release my throat and let me fall to the ground, I let out an almost inaudible gasp in pain as he kneeled down beside me and started stroking my hair in a calming manner.

''Lets see how long you can keep those pretty eyes of yours open'' he whispered

I didn't answer him, I couldn't. I couldn't move, it was if my entire body was frozen and I felt a wave of numbness fill my body.

''5'' he whispered into my ear

I was scared and for once I didn't care if it showed my entire body felt cold and numb and I was starting to feel sleepy. I had read that the venom spread throughout the bloodstream before slowly flowing into the brain and in most cases, the heart.

''4'' he whispered stroking my hair in a comforting manner

.....What's happening to me......

''3'' he whispered, his voice seemed to get further and further away the closer he got to the last number

......Is this how I die........

''2'' he whispered, I could feel my body as well as my eye lids getting heavier and heavier

........Stay awake.....don't fall asleep.......

''1'' he whispered as he placed a kiss on my forehead

My vision became blurry and I could just make out the smug look on his face before my body felt heavy and my eyes closed as my mind went blank and I fell into the calming embrace of sleep.

........Is this how my story ends.....

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