Chapter 3

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The cave was bright since it was the middle of the day and the hallway was lengthy in how long it was from the entrance, even though we took time of our busy days to clean and sweep, some dust and dirt still hid in the smallest of corners alongside the small insects that occasionally gained enough courage to scurry out and run around the bedrooms.

These small factors did not bother me however, since I spent a number of years in this cave so it felt like home to me and the other people in this assassin guild were more than just my colleagues, they were my family and we all loved each other like a family.

My thoughts were interrupted when suddenly someone jumped onto my back making me grab their legs so they wouldn't fall off

''Nightmare carry me'' a child's voice excitedly rung out from behind me.

That voice, I would know it anywhere, my attacker was a little boy about the age of 13 and he too thought of me as an older sibling, he hadn't been given a nickname yet because he wasn't old enough to be an assassin but nevertheless we still took care

of him and treated him like the younger sibling since he had no family when we found him.

The cutest and most loving little boy.....

I smiled as I entered the dining room, oak furniture was set up in the middle of the room and the smell of hot freshly cooked food filled the room making stomach rumble as I had not eaten in a couple of hours. Almost immediately everyone gathered in the room and took their seats same as always and we chatted amongst each other until our male leader stood up making us immediately keep quiet and focus all our attention on him.

His position in the guild commanded not only our attention......but our respect too.....

He smiled at us with a grin that made his old leathery skin crease, to him we were his children and he was our father, he was also one of the most notorious assassin known worldwide for his brutality and precise killings, amongst all the assassins he was ranked number one on the list of the most feared, his nickname was ''Necromancer'', and it suited him well because he could raise the dead and cause them to fight or kill for him, this made him a nightmare as an opponent but a badass as a partner.

With the smile still present on his old face he raised a goblet filled with wine in the air and looked at each of us before taking in a breath and speaking aloud

''My fellow assassins, we have all faced harsh decisions to get to where we are today, but even though we've had our differences we are a guild of the world's best warriors. I look around and I see young men and women that have proved themselves to the point of no return, I see a bond of friendship, nay, of family growing each and every day and binding us all together'' his loud voice rang out throughout the room.

After his speech we all raised our cups of Ale or Grape Juice - for the little ones - , clanged them together as we all yelled in chorus ''To the guild'' and with our voices still echoing throughout the cave we raised our drinks to our lips and drank in honor of the guild.

Each side of the table had the guild members sitting next to each other, the boys sitting on the one side while the girls sat on the other and our leader sat at the head of the table.

On my left sat the eldest of the girls, the twins ''Frostbite'' and ''Ember'' who were demons and were given these nicknames because they had the power to either freeze their victims or burn them, but they were best known for working together in every assignment, the two of them had wavy hair but ''Frostbite'' had white hair while ''Ember'' had fiery red hair.

A truly effective and powerful combo......

On my right sat the second youngest, ''Oceanus'' with brown hair and she had been given this nickname because she was a Siren and could control or manipulate water to her will.

Beautiful and powerful....her eyes showed the beauty of the ocean.....

Next to her sat the youngest girl nicknamed ''Shadow''.

Little misfit....

On the other side of the table sat the boys, starting with the oldest boy who was the son of our leader and that meant he was also a Necromancer but he was nicknamed ''Demon'' because he could manipulate the souls of the dead to do what he wanted.

Hmph...pretty boy.....

Next to him was the second oldest was a red headed Shape-Shifter nicknamed ''Killer'' because he could use his power to manipulate the body of his victims.

His hair reflected his personality....fiery.....

Next was the third oldest boy who was a Demon and was nicknamed ''Virus'' because he could manipulate any source of harmful bacteria or poison to kill his victims.

Truly a deadly ally.....

The second youngest was a blonde hair and blue eyed Dark Angel nicknamed ''Predator'' because he could manipulate any predator animal to do what he wished.

His ego was always a pungent odor......

The last boy on their side was the youngest boy with blonde hair and green eyes who wasn't nicknamed yet because we hadn't found out what he could do and he was too young to be sent on assassination missions, so we knew him by his real name ''Derek''. Lastly our female leader sat at the head of the table directly opposite of our male leader and her nickname was ''Elementa'' because she was an Elf and could bend magic to her whim, thus making her a fierce opponent on the field but powerful ally, she had green eyes and short orange hair.

Our male leader could hardly keep his hands off her because of her looks.....

We all had been given nicknames so we could be safe when living our normal lives outside the guild and we referred to each other by our real names when we weren't working, I was the third oldest girl and I helped to train the new members when they joined no matter what their age so they would be able to protect themselves if they were ever attacked.

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