Chapter 7

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The next day was the start of my brilliant plan for revenge, my hands hurriedly stuffed the goods into a container, the goods being a bunch of Volcano Ants, their bodies were as black as ash but their bite was as hot as lava, nasty little things but great for what I had in mind. You see, just like predatorial animals, my victim was horrified by the feeling of small insects biting him, mostly because they are so small and can't be removed easily, making them the ideal thing for my brilliant plan.

I smirked as I stuffed the container of the little beasts into his closet, leaving a small hole for the insects to crawl out, I had to contain my laugh as I hid behind a few barrels when my victim walked into his room.

Now all I have to wait....

My hands rubbed together and I had the sudden temptation to let out a crazy laugh like a mad scientist.

Oh this situation is just perfect.......just too perfect...

Silence hung in the air until a sudden scream filled the hall and the sight of the ''Scary Assassin'' running down the hallway to the nearest lake in nothing but his pants was just too much and I burst into a fit of giggles.

Nailed it...

I smirked in victory as raised my fist into the air and stomped my foot before walking back to my room humming along the way, when all of a sudden....

''NIGHTMARE'' I heard someone yelling my name and I knew for certain that it was Predator.

Turning in the direction of the voice I was met with the sight of my victim sprinting towards me with a look on his face that ensured my death and at that point only one thing came to mind.


I didn't need any more initiative as I took off like a bullet down the hallway in the opposite direction to my attacker, my feet swiftly carried me out the entrance and into the wilderness, I ran faster and faster with the occasional duck under a branch or jump over a rock.


My mind told my feet as I made an effort to lose my attacker, unfortunately I was not fast enough. Predator caught up to me easily and put me into a choke hold, I struggled as if my life depended on it but he effortlessly held me in place.


''You though you could just do that to me and get away with it huh?'' he asked with a smirk on his face.

When he said this my blood went cold and I feared the worst, I closed my eyes and braced myself for what was about to happen next, at this point I felt vulnerable and for the first time in a long time I feared for my life, but the thing that happened next took me by surprise.

''You got spunk kid '' he said as his hand formed a fist and rubbed against my head, I growled slightly at the burning sensation that suddenly erupted along my scalp and he chuckled.

He then turned me around and pulled me into a big bear hug which only confused me even more.

''Alright....I accept you....sis'' he said with a smile

This warmed my heart so much that I started crying, let me explain why....

When I first joined the guild almost everyone had accepted me as part of my family expect for Predator. I took in a deep breath as a flashback of the first time I met the guild began.


My feet dragged themselves over the dirt of the hallway as I hesitantly made my way through the now open entrance, the leader of the guild had placed his hand on my left shoulder as he walked on the right hand side of me, my hands clung to a large cloak that he had used to cover me up, my eyes observed every detail of the hallway as he lead me towards a room filled with a small group of people all dressed in black.

The leader cleared his throat and the group faced him immediately, a few people in the group observed me curiously whilst others gave me a cold stare that made me want to hide in fear, after a few minutes the leader took a breath and grabbed both my shoulders in a firm but loving grasp.

''I found this little girl on her own, see to it that she is cleaned and cared for'' he said firmly as he pushed me towards a woman that looked like his wife, she didn't say a word as she and two other girls led me to a different room that had a full bucket of water as well as some bottles filled with different colored liquid.

I was so busy observing my surroundings that I did not notice the older woman gently pulling at the cloak that covered me, on instinct I immediately pulled the cloak around me tightly and faced her with a fearful look.

''It's okay little one, we're just gonna clean you up'' the woman said in a calm voice as she looked at me with a warm and encouraging smile.

I stayed quiet as she removed the cloak and looked at me with a look of pity on her face, I hated that look since it made me feel vulnerable and that was one feeling I hated with every fiber in my being.

The woman than soaked a sponge in the soapy water and proceeded to scrub my body in an effort to get rid of the dirt, she then took a few bottles filled with the colorful liquid and massaged it into my scalp as she washed my hair. After being cleaned, the three woman took it amongst themselves to brush my hair, clean my wounds and clothe me in a large shirt that smelled of fresh mint, the second woman used some string to tie around my waist and create a make-shift dress, and the third woman handed me a plate of different foods along with a mug of fresh water.

After being cleaned up I was taken back to the dining room where I was made to sit at a table with the who I guessed was the members of the guild, I remained silent as we ate and I looked at each person curiously before the leader turned towards me.

''Do you have a name little one?'' the leader asked making everyone look at me curiously

''R....Rosanne'' I said in a quiet voice

''Well Roseanne, I would like to welcome you to your new home'' he said with a smile

I was so afraid to look up that I kept my head down not even looking at him in the eye when he spoke

''Take a look around you Roseanne, this is your family now'' he said with a warm smile

I hesitantly looked up and instantly felt better when I was met with warm smiles and loving eyes, well they all looked at me this way except for one, Predator.

''If you want me to accept you, you'll have to earn it'' he had said to me with a bored expression before leaving the room without another word. The fact that he had not accepted me had made me feel unwanted and it left me feeling upset and close to tears

''Don't worry, he means well'' said Killer as he slung his arm around my shoulders and gave me a warm smile.

After that Killer became like my older brother, he taught me how to survive in the wild, hunt for food, defend myself, pickpocket, pick locks and bribe someone. As time went on we became so close that we only needed a look or a gesture to communicate, but while that happened I started avoiding Predator until I finally ignored him all together.

''All those years...'' I mumbled to him

''Just making sure you fit the criteria, little sister'' he said with a smile and ruffled my hair making me laugh.

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