Chapter 6

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In the morning I was rudely awoken by Shadow as she took a rn up and threw herself on top of me in a fit of giggles and smiling like a child on their birthday.

''Wake up Night'' she whined at me, using her nickname for me and shaking me in an effort to rouse me from my much needed sleep.

After a few minutes of her relentless whining I decided to open my eyes and sit up with an irritated moan. Shadow then wasted no time in grabbing ahold of my hand and dragging me to the dining room to join the others for breakfast, it was a tradition that we eat together as a family and to be honest I liked it that way since it filled me with a sense of belonging to a group of people that thought of me as family.

The dining room was filled with laughter as everyone chatted and greeted each other, all the seats were filled except for one, I didn't even need to ask to know who it was.

''So....Predator decided to sleep in again....'' I asked aloud and everyone nodded, some of them either rolling their eyes or snorting.

''So who will volunteer to go wake him up? '' Demon asked with a challenging smile on his face as he looked at everyone

Immediately the faces of the members all showed fear, a few even shook their heads rapidly with others gulped and turned away from Demons' gaze.

''I'm not doing it, he scares me'' Shadow said shaking slightly but trying to put on a blank expression

''Us either....''Ember started

''The last time we tried....'' Frost said

''He spent a whole week....'' Ember said

''Trying to kill us'' Frost finished

Even though it was a normal thing for twins to finish each other's sentences, Ember and Frost had a tendency to only do it when they were scared, I found it pretty funny since it made them seem like stuck records.

''Don't look at me, when I tried he sent predatorial bugs after me whenever he saw me'' Oceanus shuddered at the horrid memory.

Demon smirked at the comments and turned his head to try and challenge Killer but he was met with a death glare that made him quake in fear, so in an effort to avoid his gaze Demon c

''What about you Nightmare?'' he asked with a challenging gaze

I smirked accepting the challenge and stood up before walking out with everyone gazing at me either in shock or fear that I might be killed on the spot.

I entered Predators room with a brave face, his walls were covered in weapons or drawings of carnivorous animals with each drawing looking more scary than the last, in the middle of all the chaos lay Predator sleeping on his side with his one hand under the pillow and the other draped over his body and I had to admit that in this position he didn't look so much like a predator as he did a sleeping kitten, his even breathing and occasional snores filled my ears, drowning out the sound of my fast beating heart.

I took a deep breath, making myself prepare for the sin I was about to commit and slightly shook him.

''Predator, it's time to get up'' I said gently

He groaned and turned over.

''Come on Predator, it's time to wake up'' I told him again in a gentle voice.

After a few minutes of me repeatedly shaking him, he slowly sat up rubbing his eyes and pushed his hair before looking at me dead in the eyes with a straight face, making my neck hair stand on end and my body tense up in case I had to flee to save myself.

Fortunately after a few minutes of staring at me he burst out laughing, making me let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding before throwing a pillow at him which he caught with ease and chuckled as I walked out the room to give him some privacy.

''Looks like Nightmare had a nightmare of her own'' he said as I exited the room and I swear I could practically hear him smirking.

At this my fists tightened slightly and I rolled my eyes as I reminded myself that it would not be worth my time to go back and tell him off, after all that's what he wanted, but that didn't stop me from accepting the challenge that he had just given to me.

The right corner of my mouth tugged upward into a mischievous smirk as my mind raced with different ideas on how to get him back for what just happened.

I'll get you back for that.......

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