Chapter 9

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I was rudely awoken by water suddenly hitting my face, of course my immediate reaction was to gasp in surprise and open my eyes to find the culprit. My eyes opened slowly and after blinking away any water droplets that threatened to enter my eyes I was met with the face of the man that had captured me and taken me away from.

''Good morning sleeping beauty'' he teased in a grumbly voice, suggesting that he might have also been woken up suddenly and made to check on me

I took the opportunity to observe my surroundings in order to figure out an escape plan.

...I need to figure out how to get out of here....

''No need to concern yourself with escaping, we are too far underground'' he said almost as if he had read my mind

I tried to move only to find that I was strapped tightly to a chair that smelled of blood and metal. I tried my best to wriggle my wrists free of the bindings but it only seemed to get tighter and tighter which made me whimper in pain and relax my wrists to make the restrains loosen again.

I was so focused on the restraints that I only noticed at the last minute that he had taken a couple steps and was now standing in front of me, he loomed over me with a sickening grin almost like some type of animal that was circling their prey in order to scare them before it attacked.

''Look at me when I am speaking to you'' he commanded

.....apparently Mister Macho thinks he can intimidate me.....not gonna work dude.......

I did the exact opposite and looked around at my surroundings once again, I was in a dark tunnel that was made by mud and nothing more, just below me was an empty wooden table and just below that was an empty bucket that once carried the water which was used to wake me up from my state of unconsciousness.

''I said look at me!'' he said louder as he grabbed my chin roughly and turned my head so that I was looking him directly in the eyes

I stared at him with a blank expression and didn't give him the satisfaction of opening my mouth and giving him an answer, this made him all the more frustrated and he let out a low toned growl.

''So you think that just because you are not answering me, I am gonna go easy on you......'' he said with a smirk as he got closer and closer to my face, as he did so I was finally able to observe his brown eyes that had red specs in the corners

Even though I was starting to feel uncomfortable as a result of how close he was, I breathed out calmly through my nose and raised my chin in a way of defiance. I wanted this guy to know that it would take a lot more than intimidation to scare me and I would not crack under pressure, after all, the guild had taught me to hold out until the end.

''Funny, your guild didn't stop screaming and you did nothing to help them in anyway, traitor....'' he said with a proud smirk

........How dare you.....

In response I tilted my head back and spat saliva onto his face, to my satisfaction he recoiled and wiped his face with his sleeve before growling in discussed. I smirked proudly before sitting back into the chair, even though my captor was trying his hardest to not show it I could see he was losing his temper and this made my smirk grow since I knew that I was technically winning this fight even though I was at a disadvantage.

My captor was interrupted by a knock at the door and after a minute a male figure holding a wooden bowl and a metal mug, the male walked towards my captor before placing the mug and bowl on the table next to me. The figure then turned to my captor before he nodded and my captor turned around and left the room, the new guy then turned to me and undid the bindings around my stomach and legs but he left the bindings on my hands and feet.

''I took the opportunity to observe the new guy as he grabbed the bowl and took a spoon out before scooping a spoonful of what smelled and looked like soup, he blew on the soup gently before holding the spoon out to me in an effort to get me to eat. I looked at him in confusion before turning away letting him know that I wasn't interested. The man sighed and put the spoon in the bowl and setting it in his lap before removing his hood to reveal a man that had a slight beard which ran along his chiseled jawline, he had a scar under his left eye which was a white misty color like his left eye. have got to be joking.....

''I know that you're in an unfamiliar place and you're scared but you have to eat'' he said in a calm tone as he cleaned the dirt off my face slightly

He looked at me curiously for a moment before picking up the bowl and scooping a spoonful of soup again before he held it out to me, he noticed my hesitation and smiled warmly before looking at the soup

''I did not poison the soup, there is no point in them killing you right away'' he said trying to calm my nerves

.....He doesn't seem so bad.....

He smiled as I opened my mouth slightly and he fed me the spoonful of soup, even though I was basically ignoring every rule I had been taught, something inside me was telling me that I could know this guy and one thing that every assassin knows is that their gut is always right. He carried on feeding me until all the soup was gone and then he proceeded to clean more dirt that had dried on my nose and around my eyes, the smile never seemed to leave his face as he cleaned me up.

......who is this guy and why is he being so nice to someone he doesn't know, a prisoner no less....

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