Chapter 11

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I was floating and surrounded by an empty darkness, the silence around me brought me peace and filled me with fear but no matter what I did it was as if I was not going to find an exit. At this point the voices of the guild members seemed to echo around me and in my head, their screams of agony tore at my heart strings and I could feel my sanity slipping as if someone was undoing a ball of string

''Why didn't you help us?'' a female voice echoed in my head

''I couldn't'' I answered out loud into the void

''You left us to die'' a male voice echoed in my head

''I didn't mean to, it's not my fault'' I answered out loud as I covered my ears in an effort to block the voices out

I stayed still with my hands covering my ears as I started to cry, the sadness inside me welling up inside me and flowing out my eyes like a waterfall. My sobs filled the space around me before a voice filled my ears, the voice belonged to a male and although I could not see where it was coming from I was filled with a sense of comfort, as if I knew this voice and had an emotional bond with whoever was talking.

''It is time to wake up little one'' the voice said calmly

''How'' I asked the voice

''I will help you just take a deep breath and think of those you love'' the voice answered

''What does it matter they are all dead'' I yelled at the voice

''Did you see them perish?'' the voice asked

I stayed silent as if I was waiting for confirmation from whatever was talking

''Awake little one'' the voice announced

Suddenly I felt a wave of what felt like fire envelope my body and my vision started to clear as my head was filled with a pounding beat, my heartbeat. My vision cleared and I recognized my surroundings, I was in a forest clearing with Viper and three other beings standing over me, I realized that they were dragging me to a pit. The area smelled of fire meaning that I was being lead to an area they would execute prisoners, I started struggling and fighting as if new life had filled my body.

Viper tied my hands to a wooden post and proceeded to take out a dagger, he examined the blade before sighing and gesturing the others to leave which they did promptly after his request. He raised the blade ready to thrust it into my heart, the blade glinted in the moonlight before he dropped the blade and pulled back his hood to reveal the face that I knew all too well.

''Killer....'' I said in a confused voice as I strained my eyes to see if it was a trick

Killer smiled in reply before undoing my bindings and pulling me into the embrace that I had missed so much, I immediately latched onto his and buried my face in his shoulder as he helped me stand. He seemed to be trying not to cry which only made me sob all the more harder into his shoulder, my heart seemed to calm down and I held onto him as if he were to vanish into thin air.

''Easy Night, I've got you now'' he spoke calmly as he stroked my hair to calm me down

''I thought you were dead'' I managed to choke out

''Me? Oh no, they would have to do a lot better than that if they wanted to kill me'' he said chuckling a little

I laughed at his response as he picked me up bridle style and started walking away from where I had almost been killed.

.......It's a good thing he showed up in time or I might not have made it after all......I am so happy that he is alive......

It seemed to be a miracle that he had found me just in time, it was almost too good to be true. I was so overcome with happiness but I could not shake the feeling that something seemed to be wrong with this whole situation.

....It's probably just from me feeling exhausted......

My thoughts were interrupted as Killer put me down and helped me stand, he was staring at me with a smile that made me feel safe, but then his eyes slowly turned a misty white color and his face changed to the face of Viper. I couldn't act fast enough as he pulled me into his embrace, his mouth slowly lowered onto my exposed throat and I felt his fangs pierce my skin before my head was filled with the screams of everyone I cared for. Then just as fast as it happened the world around me was covered in a veil of darkness and I lost consciousness once again.

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