Chapter 12

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My body immediately seemed to receive a surprising electric shock as I gasped for air and my eyes opened as if someone had woken me from a nightmare, my vision blurred and my ears were filled with a horrible ringing sound as I sat up straight and tried my best to regain consciousness. My sight returned quickly and I was filled with relief until I saw what made my heart suddenly drop and my breath hitch.

In front of me stood Viper, he was just staring at me as if waiting for me to regain my composure. His hands were clenched together in his lap and the choler of his shirt was stained with blood, it seemed that he may have drank someone or something dry whilst waiting for me to wake up. His face lit up as he noticed me looking around and blinking a few times to regain my vision properly

''Oh good you're finally awake'' he said with a smile before taking an extra chair and sitting down right in front of me

''Did you like that little dream I made, I hope you did I mean I made it specially for you'' he said as he came closer until he placed his lips onto mine

...Oh hell no...

My reaction was to bite down on his lower lip drawing blood and smiling as he recoiled but I did not let him take a breath as I threw my head back before colliding my forehead with his, he was thrown back into the chair and he groaned in pain as he held his forehead. He looked at me in utter surprise before a smirk formed on his lips and he let out a pleased chuckle.

''Good to have you back but I cannot have you trying to fight back'' he growled as he grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled earning a shriek of pain from me

....Son of a bitch that hurt......

Even though my head was held to the side I could see the look on Vipers' face as he stared at my now exposed neck, it was obvious that he was thinking about his next move very carefully. Finally he took out a small dagger that had a dark red stone at the end of the handle, the blade was made of a material that was commonly found amongst thieves and smugglers but from the stone I could tell that this dagger was cursed or had been used in a cursing ritual.

''This dagger is a cursed blade and is usually used to kill or seriously harm but in your case it will be used to awaken something from within'' he said as he showed me the blade from every angle

...Awaken something from within.......what does he mean......

Before Viper could say anymore a small male figure quietly approached him and swiped the blade from his hand and held it against his throat, threatening to slice it open if he moved an inch. To my surprise the figure seemed to look at me in pain before he bend down to whisper in Vipers' ear.

''Plans have changed Viper'' he whispered and Vipers eyes filled with fear as the figure sliced open his throat and threw the body to the ground before he took Vipers place on the chair in front of me

''Now I'm sure you are wondering who I am and why just killed this man'' the man stated flatly

.......No shit Sherlock.......

He took my shocked expression as an answer and chuckled before taking off and lowering his hood to reveal a face that I never thought I would have seen again. The man standing in front of me was none other than Derek, the last time I saw him was before the fire but he wasn't sitting at the table that day which at the time didn't mean anything but now I understood why he happened to not be there when we were attacked

.....He's a traitor; he's the reason for the guild being attacked......

Derek rested his chin on his hand and the smirk on his face did not falter when I started to struggle against my bindings, he knew that I had figured it out and he didn't seem to care when he noticed that I was trying to get to him in order to get revenge

''Now I'm sure that more than anything you want to break out from your bonds and beat my ass within an inch of my life'' he said as he moved closer

''So how about a deal? We have a battle and if you win I will let you go and tell you where we are holding your friends, but if I win then you disown that guild and join this one'' he said with a smirk as he already knew my answer but he was waiting for me to say it.

I sat there for a few minutes before a devious thought came to mind and I threw my head back before spitting in his face; he immediately recoiled and started to try clean his face

''You have got a deal'' I said and smirked proudly as he shot me an annoyed look

He stared at me for a few minutes before grunting in understanding and leaving the room but not before slamming the door in anger.

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