Chapter 8

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Later that day the guild was called for a meeting in the dining room, everyone sat down in their respective seats and talked amongst themselves as we waited to see what we had been called for.

As we waited my eyes traveled around the entire room taking in every detail that made this room truly spectacular, this room was filled with so many memories about the life I had experienced whilst growing up within these dark and dusty halls.

The numerous amount of shields that decorated the walls were trophies that we had taken each time we had fought and won against other guilds that thought they were better than us. When I first came through these doors this guild was weak and always taken advantage of by any guild that had more experience, shortly after I had been trained in the art of assassination our guild was challenged to a fight and we won. After that we just kept winning and each time we did we would take a shield as a trophy so that every guild far and wide would know of our skills and give us the respect we deserved.

''Taking a trip down memory lane? '' A male voice questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts and making me turn my head in the direction of where the voice came from.

You can imagine my surprise when I found out it came from Predator himself; obviously my surprise was evident on my face because he let out a chuckle before looking at me with an amused smile.

I opened my mouth to give a response but before I could there was a crash and the room was filled with a gas that made my throat and nose burn, I hadn't even been given the chance to react before I was forced to the ground by someone. I couldn't see anything since the room was dark and filled with smoke, I was held down forcefully as the screams of my guild mates filled my ears.

It was the worst feeling in the world because my guild mates were in pain and there was nothing I could do to help them in any way.

''NIGHTMARE'' A young females desperate cry filled my ears

Shadow...she's in trouble...

After hearing her cry for help I started to struggle and fight, anything I could do in order to run to her and ensure her safety. Unfortunately my captor was strong and was having none of it, the more I struggled and fought to get away the angrier he would get.

''Stop struggling'' he yelled at me as he continued to try and hold me down

At his words I struggled more and kicked, twisting and turning in each and every direction in order to get out of his grip, my heart clenching at the thought of Shadow and the other guild members being in danger.

''I said stop struggling'' he yelled at me again

I ignored his warning and turned to face him before kicking out and connecting my foot with his stomach, he let out a winded grunt before growling at me.

''If she won't comply then take her outside so we can finish up here'' A female voice ordered before my captor forced me to my feet and started to drag me into the hallways and out the entrance

I wasn't going to give up that easily so as we reached the hallway I stuck my heels into the floor and put all of my weight into my back legs as I tried to make my captor lose his balance and release me. Unfortunately my struggles only caused my captor to lose his temper and he forced me to the entrance before I felt his hand connect with the back of my head, after this happened my legs became weak and my head felt light.

I tried to keep my eyes open as he swung me over and onto his shoulder as he carried me outside, I felt dizzy and tired as he started walking away from the entrance.

My eyes focused on the large flames that seemed to be escaping from the entrance of the guild I once called home, my breath caught in my throat and my heart tightened as feeling of despair filled my body. The thought of what my team members being injured or dead haunted me and no matter how much I wanted to think that they had all gotten out safely, the only thing that I could do was watch in despair as I was taken away from my home.

''The boss can't wait to meet you '' my captor said as my vision started to go blurry and tear slipped down my cheek before I passed out and went limp.

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