I found you

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I ran down the steps of my foster home without looking back. I wanted to get as far away from there as possible. This was not only because it was cramped and littered with beer bottles, but also because I was snooping around in my foster mother's room and found a gun. My foster mother was evil and hated me. She was always yelling and making me clean early in the morning. For a little, jumpy six year old like me, this was scary. When she found me snooping she yelled louder than ever before and tried to hurt me. So I ran and ran until I accidentally bumped into a women and fell down. "Woah, slow down kiddo!" The tall brown-haired women exclaimed, helping me up. "Where's your mommy?" I put my head down, fixing my glasses like I do when I'm scared, nervous, or shy. It was kind of a habit of mine. "I ran away, but only because she tried to hurt me, plus I was tired of living in that horrible house. Also, she's not my real mother, she's just another foster mother I'm living with." I explained. "What's your name sweetie?" She asked me in a gentle tone. "I'm Kaylee, Kaylee Danvers-Sawyer. Or at least that's what my file says." I told her. The women eyes grew wider as she threw a hand over her mouth. "I think I know who your mommy is, Kaylee." She smiled with tears in her eyes before hugging me. I didn't hug back because I had just met her and was always very cautious of who I met since I was placed in foster care at the age of 1. "Why are you crying? I just met you and I don't even know your name." I said, pulling a face. She wiped her tears away and laughed at my scrunched up face. "My name is Alex, Alex Danvers." She said, looking down at me while smiling. However, I wasn't catching on. "Nice to meet you, but I still don't think I understand." I said, confused. "How about we get lunch and head to my house? You can meet my girlfriend and probably my sister." She gave me a questioning look. "Wait, girlfriend?" I said becoming even more confused. " I thought that girls were only supposed to like guys." She looked at me before saying, "You see Kaylee, there are some girls that don't feel that way about boys, but they do about girls. And it's okay for them to date each other." Alex says, not really sure how else to explain it. "Oh, okay." I said, sighing. "Now are we going to get lunch or not? I'm starving!" I said in a sarcastic tone. Alex laughed and nodded her head before saying "what would you like to eat?" As we walked down the busy streets, I thought. When we reached the corner, I yelled "Pizza!" She smiled at my excitement and we continued walking to the pizzeria in downtown National City. When we got there, we sat down at a booth near the window. "What kind of pizza would you like?" I thought for a second, "Umm....pepperoni please." The women looked at me surprised, "really that's my favorite flavor!" She exclaimed. "Great minds think alike." I said as she left me to go order our pizza. She came back five minutes later, carrying a medium, pepperoni pizza. After we ate, I helped her clean up and we left. As we walked to her house, I was looking down in deep thought. My face had a worried but excited look plastered on it. Alex soon noticed and stopped walking, asking me what was wrong. "What if my mommy doesn't like me? Maybe that's why she gave me up. Alex, I'm scared that my foster mother is going to find me." I rambled, crying. "Kaylee, like I said, I know your mommy and I'm sure she'll love you. And I'm sure she has her own reasons for giving you up." Alex said, kneeling down to look me in my glassy brown eyes. "As long as you're with me, I will never let her hurt you." She said, flashing me a weak smile. "Promise." I said, wiping my tears from under my glasses. "I promise." She said, standing up. I ran to her, hugging her leg tightly. "I'm so grateful that I have you, Alex. I just met you this morning, but I already feel like I've known you for years. I-I love you." My own words hit me like a brick. I have never trusted anyone like I trust Alex and it's rare for me to say that I love someone, let alone someone I had just met earlier that day. "I love you too, kiddo." Alex said hugging back. "Now let's go find your mommy." She said, standing up and taking my hand. I gladly took it with a smile. And followed her down the street to her home.

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