Storytime With Aunt Kara

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The words "who's Jake?" rang in my head, but I refused to let it get to me. Taking a deep breath, I told Kara the story.

"Jake was one of my foster brothers. He wasn't like the rest though. He was funny and sweet, but most of all, he loved me. And I loved him, I just didn't show it. I stayed with them for about two years. They were nice people, who lived on the outskirts of Metropolis. And then one day, Jake got really sick and had to stay in the hospital all the time in order to get the medicine he needed. His doctor bills got too high and they couldn't provide for the both of us, so they sent me back. I didn't want to go, but I had to. I never knew if he got better. I gave him a letter with my information before I left, but he never called." As I finished, I looked down and let a tear slide down my cheek.
"Kaylee, I'm sorry." Aunt Kara apologized.
"No, it's fine. It's not your fault." I said, wiping the tears from my eyes.
"Can I see my bag?" I asked, pointing to the bag that lay on the floor beside my bed.
Kara nodded and handed me it. I gently placed it in my lap and unzipped the biggest compartment. I pulled my laptop out and found the pictures of Jake and I. I turned the computer so that Kara could see it. She smiled and looked from me to the picture.
"You've changed so much!" She said, trying to lighten the mood.
"I know." I said, blushing slightly while looking down at my slightly younger, blonde-haired self.
"I just wish I could see him again." I looked back at the picture and smiled. The picture was from a photoshoot we had taken together in our Superman costumes. Jake was a big fan of Superman. I smiled bigger at the memory of the room we shared, blue with Superman posters and bedding. I shook the thought from my head, because I knew that I would probably never see him again.
"When can I go home?" I asked, shutting my laptop and changing the subject.
"I'm not sure but I'll ask." Kara said before leaving.
I lay slumped down in the uncomfortable bed, looking boringly out of the infirmary window. I could see Alex, Maggie, and Kara talking about what I'm assuming is my discharge. A few minutes later, Maggie came in to check on me. She informed me that I could leave today, but I had to take it easy. I agreed, fidgeting excitedly in the bed. I packed my bag and got changed into my casual clothes. Alex signed a paper and the three of us drove back home.

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