What's happening to me?

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We walk into the tall apartment building where Alex lived and took the elevator to the 13th floor. We exited the elevator, walking down a long hallway past a series of doors with numbers and letters on them. We stopped at a door that read: 13A. Alex inserted a key into the lock, opening the door. I walked in slowly, observing my surroundings. It was a large open loft with a balcony looking out over the beautiful city. "Hey babe!" A dark-haired women, who I'm assuming was Alex's girlfriend, exclaimed happily. "Hi Mags, how was work?" Alex asked, kissing her. I winced because this wasn't something I was used to seeing. "It was great, we finally caught that robber!" Maggie said. It took a while for the dark haired women to acknowledge my presence. "Who's this cutie?" She asked her girlfriend. "Maggie, I would like you to meet Kaylee." She said, smiling. "Kaylee, this is Maggie, my girlfriend." I looked down shyly causing my glasses to slide down my nose and land fall onto the floor. I quickly picked them up and  put them on, remembering what my last foster father said before giving them to me. "Your a freak who causes nothing but trouble!" He was always so mean to me, just because I was different. It wasn't my fault, but I always blamed myself for saving those people from that wreck years ago. I snapped back to reality when I heard Alex calling my name, asking if I was okay. "Huh?! Oh. Yeah, I'm fine!" I said loudly. "Um, nice to meet you, Maggie." I said, smiling. Maggie looked at Alex with a concerned look on her face. "Alex, can I talk to you please?" She asked. "Yeah, sure. Kaylee, I'll be right back! Just make yourself at home." Alex said, before disappearing into their bedroom. I sat on the couch, looking around like a lost puppy. A few minutes had pasted and my ears started to ring. It kept getting louder and louder as I winced in pain, covering my ears. It stopped suddenly and I could hear Alex and Maggie's conversation from down the hall. This was very strange for me because according to my teacher, I had really bad hearing. "Maggie, she said her last name was Danvers-Sawyer! Does that mean nothing to you!" Alex said, her words ringing in my head loudly. "Look Alex, I know that you were really hurt when we had to give her up, but that's not her!" Maggie said. I couldn't see her, but I could tell she was crying by her shaky voice. "All I'm saying is that there is a possibility that she's our daughter." Alex said, her voice fading as my hearing went back to it's normal state. I got off the couch and walked down the hall to their room, still trying to figure out what had just happened to my ears. When I entered, their conversation was silenced. "Are you going to help me find my mommy or not?" I said, pretending that I hadn't heard their conversation. "We will, I promise, but there's something we have to tell you, Kay." Alex said. "You know I heard your whole conversation, right?" I asked. "I want you guys to know that I'm not going to get my hopes up. I've been let down so many times before so I'm used to it by now." Alex and Maggie's somewhat happy expressions were now sad ones. "How did you hear us?" Maggie asked, confused. "My ears started to ring and it got louder and louder, when it stopped, I could hear everything." I explained. Alex understood what was happening, but didn't want to overwhelm the young girl too much. The same thing had happened to Kara when she discovered that she had powers. "It's getting late and you clearly don't want to go home after today." Alex said, stating the obvious. "You can stay here tonight if you'd like." Maggie offered. "Yay!" I yelled happily. Alex opened a closet and pulled out a pillow and blanket for me to sleep with. "Thank you." I said, yawning. I took off my glasses and placed them on the side table next to the couch. "Night Kaylee!" Alex said. "Goodnight Alex, night Maggie!" I said, rolling over and slipping into a deep sleep.

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