My Morning With Alex

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When I awoke the next day, I saw Alex watching over me. I sit up to face her, but I'm blinded by the bright rays of sun streaming through the glass doors that lead onto the balcony. I squint and reach for my glasses. I put them on before successfully sitting up. "Morning, you hungry?" Alex asked, smiling. "Yeah." I reply, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I get up and follow her into the kitchen. "What would you like?" She asks, getting two bowls from the cabinet. I scan the boxes of cereal on the counter and finally decide on 'Coco Puffs'. Alex grabs herself the 'Cheerios' and the milk, before pouring us each a bowl. I sat down at the island and started eating. When we had finished, Alex said, "Maggie left for work a couple of hours ago, so you'll have to come to work with me." I put my bowl in the sink before saying, "okay!" I walked over to where my backpack was sitting near the couch. I picked it up and took out my clothes. Alex showed me to the bathroom, so that I could get changed. A few minutes later, I came back into the living room wearing the clean clothes and carrying the old ones. I wore my faded superman t-shirt, a pair of old, ripped blue jeans, and black converse. My hair in a high ponytail. "All ready!" I said, happily. Alex had also gotten ready, wearing a tight, black uniform. "Can I bring my bag? I learn digitally and I have a test in math today." I informed her. "Sure." She said, pulling on a coat. I did the same, pulling on my worn out sweater and swinging my bag over my shoulder. "Okay, let's go kiddo!" Alex said when she had seen me with my sweater and bag on. I took her hand and she locked the door before walking to the elevator. When we reached the bottom floor, we exited the elevator and walked out into the bright, busy streets of National City.

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